
Credit: Caritas Butembo-Beni

Caritas Butembo-Beni Laments DR Congo’s “appalling human conditions”, Appeals for Support for People “in desperate need”

The humanitarian and development arm of the Catholic Diocese of Butembo-Beni in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Caritas Butembo-Beni, is lamenting the “desperate” situation of the people of God in violence-prone regions of the country. 

Pope Francis Congratulates Bishop Wallace Ng’ang’a Gachihi of Kenya’s Military Ordinariate. Credit: Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi (ADN)

“Good work!”: Pope Francis Congratulates Kenya’s New Military Ordinary after Short Stint as Auxiliary Bishop

Pope Francis has described Bishop Wallace Ng’ang’a Gachihi who he recently appointed Local Ordinary of Kenya’s Military Ordinariate as “a hardworking evangelizer” and “a passionate pastor”.

Accra Archdiocese, Religious Superiors Petition Ghana’s President to Take “decisive” Action against Illegal Mining

President Nana Addo Akufo-Addo of Ghana needs to take “immediate and decisive” action against illegal mining in the West African nation, the leadership of the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra and members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious - Ghana (CMSR-GH) have demanded. 

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi (left) arrives at the Vatican for Synod on Synodality meetings on Oct. 10, 2024. The Vatican announced on Monday, Oct. 14, that the cardinal returned to Moscow to meet with Russian authorities as part of the peace mission entrusted to him by Pope Francis. / Credit: Daniel Ibañez/CNA

Papal Envoy for “paths of peace” Between Russia and Ukraine Returns to Moscow on Continued Vatican Peace Mission

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi returned to Moscow on Monday to meet with Russian authorities as part of the peace mission entrusted to him by Pope Francis.

Credit: Radio Maria Kenya- Kisumu/St.James the Apostle Magadi Parish-Kisumu

“We must find ways”: Catholic Bishop in Kenya on Need for Self-Reliance in Episcopal Sees

The people of God in the Metropolitan Catholic Archdiocese of Kisumu have to explore ways of realizing self-reliance, the Local Ordinary of one of the Suffragan Dioceses in the Kenyan Metropolitan See has said. 

Today, October 14, We Celebrate St. Callistus I

Pope Callistus I is celebrated in churches throughout the world as a saint and martyr on October 14. The saint caused a major controversy, including a schism that lasted almost two decades, by choosing to emphasize God's mercy in his ministry.

Episcopal Installation of Bishop  Wallace Ng’ang’a Gachihi as Local Ordinary of Kenya’s Military Ordinariate. Credit: KCCB

Servant of God Michael Cardinal Otunga’s Love for Military “is my inspiration”: New Bishop of the Kenyan Military

The new Catholic Bishop of Kenya’s Military Ordinariate hopes to walk in the footsteps of the Servant of God Maurice Michael Cardinal Otunga, who served as the first Local Ordinary of the Military in the East African country, and is now on a journey to the sainthood.

Bishop António Juliasse Ferreira Sandramo. Credit: ACN

“We have no peace”: Catholic Bishop on Insecurity in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Province

The Bishop of Mozambique’s Catholic Diocese of Pemba has expressed concern about persistent violent conflicts in the Southern African nation’s Cabo Delgado Province that his Episcopal See covers.

Credit: Communication Network for Catholic Sisters-CNCS KENYA

22 Orders of Women Religious in Kenya Launch Strategic Plan with Commitment to Uphold Dignity of Aging Members

For their many years of service in society, aging Catholic Sisters are heroines, and must be taken care of with dignity, the leadership of the Care for Aging Sisters Association of Kenya (CASAK) has said at the unveiling of their five-year strategic plan.

Helen Berhane. Credit: CSW

Christian Foundation Calls on Canada to Investigate YouTuber for Attacks on “former Eritrean prisoner of conscience”

The UK-based human rights foundation, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), is calling on Canadian authorities to investigate YouTuber Selemun Syum for his recent attacks on Helen Berhane, described as “a former Eritrean prisoner of conscience”.

Pope Francis addresses the faithful during the Angelus address in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, Sunday, Oct. 13, 2024. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis: "True wealth is being loved by God"

“Let us remember this: True wealth is not the goods of this world. True wealth is being loved by God and learning to love like him,” Francis said Oct. 13.

Bishop Norman King'oo Wambua of the Catholic Diocese of Machakos in Kenya

Shun “kiosk mentality”: Bishop in Kenya Faults “unnecessary competition” in Duplicating Catholic Health Facilities

Bishop Norman King'oo Wambua of the Catholic Diocese of Machakos in Kenya has faulted the practice of duplicating Catholic health facilities in the same geographical locations, describing the move as a “kiosk mentality” that bring about “unnecessary competition”. 

Let’s Be “promoters of a Synodal Church”: Catholic Bishop in Kenya to 16 Newly Ordained Spiritan Deacons

Bishop Simon Peter Kamomoe, one of the Auxiliary Bishops of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi (ADN) in Kenya, has called on the 16 members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost Fathers/Spiritans) he ordained Deacons to help realize the theme of the multi-year Synod on Synodality, which Pope Francis extended to 2024, among the people of God.

“I vehemently call on my Catholics to lay down their tools”: Archbishop to Illegal Miners in Ghana

Archbishop John Bonaventure Kwofie of the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra in Ghana has called on Catholics involved in illegal mining to abandon the vice. 

Catholic University in Cape Verde to Realize Double Projects That “go beyond traditional academic training”

The Catholic University of Cape Verde (EU Católica) is set to launch the construction of two projects tailored to meet the social needs of the institution of higher learning, the leadership of the university has said.

Bishop José Lampra Cà. Credit: Radio Sol Mansi

Outcome of November Snap Parliamentary Election in Guinea-Bissau Should Be “good for the people”: Catholic Bishop

The outcome of Guinea-Bissau’s snap parliamentary poll scheduled to take place on November 24 should be for the good of the people of God in the country on West Africa’s Atlantic coast, Bishop José Lampra Cà has said. 

Pope Francis prays at the Mass in suffrage for the cardinals and bishops who have died in the past year, Nov. 2, 2022. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis Writes Letter to New Cardinals: You Express the Church’s Unity

Pope Francis will add 21 members to the College of Cardinals at a consistory at the Vatican in December.

Pope Francis celebrated Mass on the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, June 29, 2023, where he also blessed the pallia for new archbishops. / Credit: Daniel Ibañez/CNA

Vatican Shares Pope Francis’ Schedule for December Consistory to Create Cardinals

On Dec. 8, Pope Francis will preside at a Mass with the College of Cardinals in St. Peter’s Basilica.