Pankshin, 11 February, 2023 / 9:30 PM
The electorate in the West African nation of Nigeria have been urged to elect political candidates who manifest hearts for “the weak and the vulnerable.
In his pastoral letter published Tuesday, February 7, Bishop Michael Gobal Gokum says that Nigeria is in need of leaders who "strive to build a cohesive, harmonious, and prosperous nation".
“We need therefore to choose leaders who truly care for the weak and the vulnerable, promote justice and equality, stand up for principles with integrity and work for the common good of citizens, and strive to build a cohesive, harmonious, and prosperous nation,” Bishop Gobal says.
The Nigerian Catholic Bishop adds that the principles contained in the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church are non-negotiable and should be employed in the February 25 general elections during which Nigeria’s President, Vice President and members of the Senate and House of Representatives are to be elected.
Protecting the weak and the vulnerable is essential in every society that is dedicated to the common good of everyone, he says.
The Catholic Bishop who will turn 59 years on February 18 further says that the principles of protecting the family and dignity of work need to be considered when choosing among political candidates.
Other qualities that need to be considered are “the call to community and participation; the centrality of the family; the dignity of work and rights of workers, the principles of solidarity and subsidiarity, and the commitment to stewardship of the environment," Bishop Gobal says.
He urges the Nigerian electorate to be mindful of who they vote for the office because the “qualities of our leaders are often a reflection of our qualities as a people” and “our public officials symbolize the values of the people who elect them.”
The Catholic Church leader who has been at the helm of Nigeria’s Pankshin Diocese since his Episcopal Ordination in June 2014 adds, “A crooked people will vote crooked candidates into office. A God-fearing people will vote for God-fearing candidates.”
He says that Nigeria is experiencing bad leadership because the people tolerated political candidates in previous election periods.
Voting is very essential and Christians must take the process seriously and participate in it for good leaders, Bishop Gobal says, adding failure to participate in voting comes with consequences that might “bring catastrophic results to the nation.”
“For us Christians, it is a great mistake to shun this collective responsibility. All Christians who have reached voting age should participate in electing leaders who have the necessary qualities,” he emphasizes.
He continues, “It should be understood that the neglect of participating in the voting and in the election of good leaders allow unworthy candidates to take leadership positions.”
Besides being a constitutional right to vote, Bishop Gobal says that voting is “a responsibility given by God for the proper exercise of human rights and freedom in order to establish a good government.”
Those who withdraw from their civic duty of voting “should have little right to complain about the evil consequences of the newly elected political regime installed, partly, thanks to their passive collaboration,” he says, and adds, “Our votes are an expression of our own conversion and will be decisive for our country´s future.”
Bishop Gobal urges Nigerians to be prayerful and also fast so as to overcome the confusion that arises when it comes to choosing the right leaders.
He says that it is only through prayer that the election malpractices such as vote rigging, and vote buying can be minimized and pave way for free, honest, and orderly elections.
“We should turn to God. We must repent. From a repentant people will arise God´s gift of renewed leaders. Then we will choose correctly the men and women whom God wishes to vest with authority (Romans 13.1), and who will lead us out of our deplorable situation,” he says.
He adds, “Pray without ceasing throughout this election period. Pray that all candidates/political parties/leaders will respect the outcome of the General elections.”
The February 25 general elections are crucial to the country’s future and that only Nigerians can determine the outcome, Bishop Gobal says.
“They can become either another missed opportunity or the best elections we have ever had. They can signal the first orderly and peaceful transfer of power in our country, or they can trigger national instability. They can be a giant step forward or a demoralizing setback,” he further says.
He continues, “Let us not fail our country. Let us be true to our best selves. Together let us build a better future, which will be ours if we choose well our leaders.”
He urges the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), and all who are called to serve in the elections to carry out their tasks with continuing fidelity and courage, adding that their loyalty is to God and not any human being.
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