
Abel Camasca

Abel Camasca

Abel Camasca is a journalist of ACI Prensa. He was born in Pisco, Peru, and studied communications at the University of Lima. For several years he was the producer of the TV program EWTN Noticias in Spanish and responsible of the radio show Más que noticias on Radio Católica Mundial. He is a member of the Salesian Family.

The 10th successor of St. Don Bosco to the Salesians, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, along with young people from the Salesians. | / Credit: ANS-Salesians

Salesian Youth Synod to Discern their Future and that of the Church

The Salesian News Agency (ANS) announced in an article that the event will begin Aug. 11 and will conclude on...

Martyred by the Nazis, Dutch St. Titus Brandsma was a journalist who gave his life so that the truths of the faith would not be silenced. / Credit: Wikimedia Commons

World Press Freedom: The Prayer of a Holy Journalist Before Dying for Freedom of Catholic Press

World Press Freedom Day is celebrated every May 3, drawing attention to the importance of free and independent news media.

The Annunciation by Fra Angelico (public domain) via Wikimedia Commons. / null

Why isn’t the Annunciation Celebrated Today?

Every March 25, the solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord is celebrated in the Catholic Church. But not this...

St. Thomas Aquinas uttered a last prophecy and an emotional prayer before his departure to Heaven. | Credit: Renata Sedmakova - Shutterstock

The Last Prophecy of St. Thomas Aquinas Before he Died 750 Years Ago

St. Thomas Aquinas uttered a last prophecy and an emotional prayer before his departure to heaven.

Bishop Thomas Paprocki preaches the opening Mass of the Corpus Christi Priory in Springfield. | Photo credit: Diocese of Springfield

What Should a Lenten Homily be like? God Told a Saint

St. Angelo d’Acri (1669–1739) heard a divine voice give him advice on preaching and went on to become known for...

Credit: Brigitte Pica2/Shutterstock

What Happens to the Saints Whose Feast Day Falls on Feb. 29 When There is no Leap Year?

The Church commemorates some saints on Feb. 29 — but what happens to them the other three years?

Father Léopold Feyen. | Credit: ANS

Salesian Priest "with heart of Good Shepherd" Stabbed to Death in DR Congo

The Salesian News Agency reported the murder of Father Léopold Feyen in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of...

St. Titus Brandsma | Credit: Congerdesign on Pixabay / St. Titus Brandsma Public Domain - Wikimedia Commons

Here’s the Prayer of a Journalist Saint Before He Died for Freedom of the Catholic Press

World Press Freedom Day was celebrated May 3 and the courage to get the truth out has sometimes cost the...