
Agnes Aineah

Agnes Aineah

Agnes Aineah is a Kenyan journalist with a background in digital and newspaper reporting. She holds a Master of Arts in Digital Journalism from the Aga Khan University, Graduate School of Media and Communications and a Bachelor's Degree in Linguistics, Media and Communications from Kenya's Moi University. Agnes currently serves as a journalist for ACI Africa.

Sr. Elizabeth Gathoni of the Assumption Sisters of Nairobi (ASN) / Sr. Elizabeth Gathoni

Kenyan Nun Journeying with HIV Patients in Jamaica to Overcome Stigma

For close to a year, Sr. Elizabeth Gathoni of the Assumption Sisters of Nairobi (ASN) has observed immense transformation in...

Entrance to the Good-Shepherd Learning Centre Madidi, South Africa. / SACBC

Nuns in South Africa Donate Food, Protective Gear to Needy amid COVID-19 Lockdown

With reported increasing cases of job losses and food shortage in South Africa following the COVID-19 lockdown in the country,...

Fr. Bonaventure Luchidio (Left) and  Fr. Thomas Ngong (right) sharing enriching avenues to keep faith alive during COVID-19.

Kenyan Clerics Share 8 Enriching Avenues to Keep Faith Alive During COVID-19

A Bishop in Niger, reflecting on the post-COVID-19 era, said that closure of Churches as a way to contain the...

Logo Southern Africa Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC)

“You are missed,” Bishops Pen Letter to Laity in Botswana, Swaziland, South Africa

The members of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) have, in a pastoral letter, expressed solidarity with their laity...

Nurses and trainee health care-givers at Mary Ward Primary Health Care Clinic in Rumbek, South Sudan pose for a photo outside the Clinic on the eve of International Nurses Day. / Sr. Orla Treacy

In South Sudan, Nurses at Loreto Clinic Improvising Protective Gear in COVID-19 Fight

As the world marked the International Nurses Day on Tuesday, May 12, celebrating the fearlessness, hard work and selflessness of...

Logo South African Council of Churches

Church Leaders in South Africa Urge Use of WhatsApp to Fight Gender-Based Violence

In South Africa where COVID-19 restrictions have plunged the country into various crimes including police brutalities and a rise in...

Teacher Stephen Mwangi at the ruins in Kariobangi North. Also visible are homeless families that were spending nights in the cold after their houses were destroyed. / Stephen Mwangi

Brave School Teacher Takes in Family after Nairobi Demolitions Leave Thousands Homeless

Stephen Mwangi recalls a day in March when learners at Watoto Wetu Centre, a primary school run by the Catholic...

Logo Caritas Senegal

Caritas Senegal Redirects Climate Change Funds Towards COVID-19 Fight

The Catholic Church in Senegal through its charity arm, Caritas Senegal, has announced the interruption of a fundraising initiative launched...

Bishop Ambroise Ouédraogo of Maradi Diocese, Niger. / ACN

Closure of Churches Spells Danger for “lukewarm Christians”: Bishop in Niger

A Bishop in Niger, reflecting on the post-COVID-19 era, has said that while some Christians will come out of the...

Some street children with the staff of Kwetu Home of Peace in Nairobi, Kenya. / Patrician Brothers.

How Patrician Brothers are Rehabilitating Most Difficult Cases on Kenyan Streets

Sadam Rashid stops his truck at a hardware store located in the middle of Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya,...

Bishop Emeritus Paride Taban of South Sudan's Torit Diocese.

Retired South Sudanese Bishop Recalls a Journey of Perseverance at 40th Anniversary

Celebrated Bishop Emeritus of Torit diocese in South Sudan on Monday, May 4 marked his 40th Anniversary as Bishop in the...

Bishop Luiz Fernando Lisboa of the diocese of Pemba, which is in the region of Cabo Delgado. / ACN

Why Persecution in Mozambique is “an injustice that is crying out to heaven”

A Bishop in Mozambique has decried the reigning oppression of people who speak against the increased attacks that mainly target...

Bishop Emmanuel Badejo of the Catholic Diocese of Oyo in Nigeria bringing life and hope in households through music.

Singing Bishop Breathes Life, Hope in Nigerian Households amid Suspension of Public Mass

A high-pitched musical sound is heard over the mobile phone as Bishop Emmanuel Badejo of the Catholic Diocese of Oyo...

Sr. Rose Catherine Wakibiru, Administrator of Limuru Cheshire Home, a charity organization for girls living with disabilities with young girls living with disabilities outside their home / Sr. Rose Catherine Wakibiru

Meet Kenyan Nun Behind Thriving Disability Program for Girls amid COVID-19 Restrictions

At a one-roomed house in Satellite, an informal settlement located outside Kenya’s capital city, Nairobi, a 23-year-old girl living with...

Sr. Winnie Mutuku of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul, founder of Upendo Street Children in Kenya's Catholic Diocese of Kitale. She is overseeing the feeding of street boys amid COVID-19 restrictions / Upendo Street Children (USC)

Kenyan Nun Braving Harsh COVID-19 Times to Sustain Street Feeding Program

The streets of Kitale, a town located in the western part of Kenya have been unusually quiet at night from...

Fr. Henryk Sawarski, a missionary in Madagascar's Diocese of Port-Bergé Diocese where he is engaged in prison apostolate / Aid to the Church in Need (ACN)

A Cleric’s Kindness Drawing Prisoners in Madagascar towards Spiritual Conversion

Tall prison walls and heavy barbed wire surround the prison of Port-Bergé in the Diocese of Port-Bergé located in the...

Fr. Joseph Healey, popularly known as Mwanajumuiya Padri Joseph has specialised in Small Christian Communities through research and practice.

Maryknoll Cleric Growing Online Small Christian Communities amid Kenya’s COVID-19 Measures

Saturdays are usually busy days for Ben Wanjala, the moderator of St. Kizito Small Christian Community (SCC) at St. Austin’s...

Names of the parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Swaziland's Manzini Diocese pinned on benches. / Bishop Jose Luis Ponce de Leon

What a Cleric in Swaziland Has Done to Keep Faithful Engaged During COVID-19

All was well at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Parish in the Diocese of Manzini in the Southern Africa nation...

Funeral Mass of Late Archbishop Emeritus Raphael Ndingi Mwana a’Nzeki  at Holy Family Basilica in Kenya’s capital city, Nairobi, Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

Celebrated Kenyan Prelate Accorded Low-Key Burial, President Promises Future Mourning Day

About 100 mourners who wore white and blue face masks as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 gathered...

Bishop John MacWilliams of Algeria's Laghouat Diocese

Not Much Change for Algeria’s Church amid COVID-19

In a country where the faithful go for months without celebrating Holy Mass due to a shortage of Priests, the...