The pastoral visit of Pope Francis to the small Indian Ocean Island of Mauritius on Monday, has been acclaimed as...
One of the florists who decorated the Public Papal Mass in Mauritius when Pope Saint John Paul II visited in...
As Pope Francis gets to the last leg of his three-nation pastoral visit of Africa with the Indian Ocean Island...
It was pomp and color in Mozambique’s capital, Maputo when the plane carrying Pope Francis was sported in the skies.
Pope Francis is expected to begin his fourth pastoral visit of Africa in Mozambique, where Church leaders appointed Bishop Antonio...
As a mood of excitement characterize Mozambique’s capital ahead of Pope Francis’ return to Africa for the fourth time, the...
Just a couple of days before Pope Francis begins his fourth African trip, the religious sisters who have made ready...
In Mozambique’s capital, Maputo, the first stop of Pope Francis’ three-nation visit of Africa, a 1,030-person choir is rehearsing to...
The Apostolic blessings by the Holy Father came a couple of months before the official launch of ACI Africa.
The Catholic diocese of Rumbek and Tonj State government in South Sudan are expected to pay a total of 93...