
Jude Atemanke and Sheila Pires

Jude Atemanke and Sheila Pires

Dominique Yon, Youth Coordinator for South Africa’s Cape Town Archdiocese addressing participants during the March 30 webinar. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Synod on Synodality “an opportunity for voices to be heard”: Youth Leader in South Africa

A Catholic youth leader in South Africa has said the ongoing preparations for the Synod on Synodality offers an opportunity for many voices to...

Bishop Mark Kadima (center), Archbishop Hubertus van Megen (right) and Archbishop-elect Maurice Muhatia Makumba at the Episcopal Ordination Mass on 19 February 2022 in Bungoma Diocese. Credit: ACI Africa

At Episcopal Ordination in Kenya, Nuncio Cautions against Clericalism, Urges Listening

The representative of the Holy Father in Kenya has cautioned against “clericalism” which he said he had noted from his...