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Conferences of Catholic Bishops, Church Entities in Africa Laud EWTN News Service in Africa ahead of 5th Anniversary

Aug 7, 2024

By ACI Africa Staff

Conferences of Catholic Bishops in Africa, various Church entities, and individuals have extended their congratulations to the Association for Catholic Information in Africa (ACI Africa), a service of EWTN News of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) Global Catholic Network ahead of its fifth anniversary celebration on Friday, August 9.

The Catholic Church Needs Hierarchy, Vatican Official on Relationships Between Bishops and Religious in Africa

Aug 7, 2024

By Agnes Aineah

Hierarchies in the Catholic Church ensure that there is someone who calls everything to order, the Secretary of the Dicastery for Evangelization has said, underscoring the role that Local Ordinaries play in the Church in Africa.

Catholic Priest Decries “clericalism” in Africa, Says Religious Congregations Denied Growth

Aug 7, 2024

By Agnes Aineah

There is widespread clericalism in Africa, a Catholic Priest and professor of Moral Theology and African Theology has said.

Bishop Christian Carlassare arrives in Juba enroute to Bentiu for his installation as the pioneer Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of bentiu. Credit: Catholic Radio Network

Ahead of Installation, Pioneer Bishop for South Sudan’s Newest Catholic Diocese Seeks to Spearhead “bridges” for Unity

Aug 7, 2024

By Jude Atemanke

The Pioneer Catholic Bishop of Bentiu Diocese that was recently erected in South Sudan has expressed optimism in realizing unity among the people of God in his Episcopal See that covers the country’s Unity State.

Pope Francis addresses pilgrims gathered in the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican during his Wednesday general audience on Aug. 7, 2024. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis: ‘All things are possible’ when we invite God into our lives

Aug 7, 2024

By Kristina Millare

Francis’ reflections marked his fifth catechesis on the theme “The Spirit and the Bride: The Holy Spirit Guides the People of God toward Jesus Our Hope.”

Today, August 7, We Celebrate St. Cajetan

Aug 7, 2024

Saint Cajetan was one of the great reformers of the Church during the period of the Reformation, remaining loyal to the Church regardless of the corruptions and excesses that led many others to betray Her.

Church in South Sudan “has reached its maturity”: Outgoing Apostolic Nuncio Lauds Appointment of Pioneer Resident Nuncio

Aug 6, 2024

By Agnes Aineah

Archbishop Hubertus van Megen, the outgoing Apostolic Nuncio to South Sudan, has expressed his joy that the East-Central African country has a resident representative of the Holy Father, the first-ever in the world’s newest nation that gained independence from Sudan in July 2011.

Credit: Catholic Diocese of Wa

“I have to change my wardrobe”: Newly Consecrated Catholic Bishop in Ghana ahead of Episcopal Ministry

Aug 6, 2024

By ACI Africa Staff

The newly Consecrated Local Ordinary of the  Catholic Diocese of Wa in Ghana will have to stock anew his wardrobe as he begins his Episcopal Ministry, having been in possession of “only jeans”, he has said. 

Credit: Catholic Diocese of Santiago

Ongoing Catholic Youth Jubilee Year in Cape Verde: Preparations, Expectations, Experiences

Aug 6, 2024

By João Vissesse

Young people from Dioceses in Cape Verde and beyond started the National Jubilee Year of Catholic Youths on Sunday, August 4 in the country’s Catholic Diocese of Santiago.

Pioneer Catholic Archbishop of Nigeria’s Benin City Archdiocese Dies at 92 after a “brief illness”

Aug 6, 2024

By Jude Atemanke

Archbishop Patrick Ebosele Ekpu, the pioneer Local Ordinary of Benin City Archdiocese in Nigeria, has passed on after a “brief illness”. He was aged 92.

Giuseppe Pignatone. / Credit: Vatican Media

Vatican Court President Under Investigation for Alleged Complicity with Sicilian Mafia

Aug 6, 2024

By Almudena Martínez-Bordiú

On July 31, Giuseppe Pignatone was summoned to testify in court in Sicily for alleged complicity and cover-up of the Mafia organization La Cosa Nostra.

Richard DeGraff (at left, next to Mother Angelica in early 1981, and at right) played a key role in getting EWTN off the ground. / Credit: Photos courtesy of the DeGraff family

Last of Founding Board Members of EWTN, Richard DeGraff, Dies at 94 

Aug 6, 2024

By Daniel Payne

Richard DeGraff, a founding board member at EWTN who was instrumental in helping Mother Angelica launch the network, passed away July 31 at age 94. 

Protesters attempt to enter the Holiday Inn Express Hotel, which is housing asylum seekers, on Aug. 4, 2024, in Rotherham, United Kingdom. / Credit: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

UK Bishops Pray for Peace amid Widespread Violent Protests Over Stabbing Attack

Aug 6, 2024

By Jonah McKeown

Auxiliary Bishop Paul McAleenan of Westminster condemned the appalling violence over the past week, especially that directed at migrants.

Today, August 6, We Celebrate The Transfiguration

Aug 6, 2024

Both Roman and Eastern rite Catholics celebrate the Church's feast of the Transfiguration today, August 6, on its traditional date for both calendars.

Church in Africa asked to Address Cultural Impediments to Healthy Relationships between Local Ordinaries and Religious

Aug 5, 2024

By Agnes Aineah

Patriarchal structures that characterized the traditional African setting were introduced in the Church and have continued to affect the relationship between Local Ordinaries and those in Religious Life, a Kenyan theologian has said.

Outgoing Apostolic Nuncio to South Sudan Lauded for “unwavering commitment to fostering peace, understanding”

Aug 5, 2024

By Jude Atemanke

The President of the Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SCBC) has lauded the outgoing Apostolic Nuncio to the East-Central African nation, Archbishop  Hubertus van Megen, for fostering peace in the country. 

Bishop António Francisco Jaca (right) of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Benguela and Bishop Estêvão Binga, appointed Bishop of the newly erected Diocese of Ganda (left).

“A historic milestone”: Catholic Bishop in Angola Lauds Pope Francis’ Decision to Erect Ganda Diocese

Aug 5, 2024

By João Vissesse

Bishop António Francisco Jaca of the Catholic Diocese of Benguela in Angola has lauded the Holy Father’s decision to erect the Diocese of Ganda in the Southern African nation and the appointment of a pioneer Local Ordinary.

Credit: ACI Africa

In New Book, Nigerian Catholic Priest Highlights Pathways in Discerning God’s Call, “value of growing up” in His House

Aug 5, 2024

By Abah Anthony John

In a new book, a Nigerian Catholic Priest has highlighted ways young people discerning their vocation to the Priesthood and/or Religious Life can respond to the call of God and the value of being in God’s house.

A reenactment of the miracle of snow is celebrated with white flower petals falling from the ceiling at the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome on Aug. 5, 2024. / Credit: Daniel Ibañez/CNA

Pope Francis Celebrates "Miracle of the Snow" at Basilica of St. Mary Major 

Aug 5, 2024

By Kristina Millare

A shower of white rose petals fell from the basilica’s ceiling symbolizing the miracle promised by Our Lady.

Today, August 5, We Celebrate Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major

Aug 5, 2024

Today, August 5, marks the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, known in older versions of the Roman liturgical calendar as the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Snows, or simply as Our Lady of the Snows.