Bobo-Dioulasso, 31 July, 2022 / 8:55 PM
The Archdiocese of Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso is soliciting funds internally and externally to repay a 10-year bank loan that the Archdiocese got to renovate Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral.
In a Friday, July 29 interview with ACI Africa, the Chancellor of the Burkinabe Archdiocese confirmed the complete renovation of the Cathedral and its dedication.
“Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, has indeed been renovated,” Fr. Thierry Hermann Baki said, and added, “The dedication of the renovated church took place on 16 May 2021,”
To cover the cost of the renovation work, Fr. Baki said, “Contributions had been requested from the sons and daughters of the Archdiocese of Bobo.”
“After four years of fundraising, the sum collected was not sufficient to carry out the work, so the Archdiocese had to apply for a loan from a local bank and undertake to repay the loan over 10 years,” the Burkinabe Cleric said.
He said the Archdiocese is seeking assistance to repay the loan within the period of agreement.
“The Archdiocese is still counting on its sons and daughters and on the help of benefactors to repay this bank loan, and best of all, before the 10 years are up,” the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Bobo-Dioulasso told ACI Africa July 29.
The roof of the Cathedral, interior coatings, electrical installations, the sound system, and the annex rooms that included the sacristy and the storeroom were some of the focus areas during the renovation project, he said.
Commercial shops are also being put up around the Cathedral as part of the initiative.
To realize the entire renovation initiative estimated to cost some 1 billion FCFA (US$1.85million), the leadership of Bobo-Dioulasso Archdiocese partnered with the Burkinabe government, traditional and religious authorities and the Catholic faithful of the town of Sya.
In the July 29 interview with ACI Africa, Fr. Baki expressed appreciation to the people of God for their generous contributions to the project.
“We have witnessed your faithful generosity! Children, young people and adults, sons and daughters of the Church, believers and people of good will, friends and benefactors of the Archdiocese of Bobo-Dioulasso, you have generously and massively supported the work of renovation of Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral of Bobo-Dioulasso by your various donations,” he said, and added, “Thank you very much! May the Lord repay you a hundredfold.”
The Chancellor of Bobo-Dioulasso Archdiocese emphasized the need to repay the bank loan, saying, “Our greatest challenge remains to free ourselves quickly from the bank loan.”
“We believe in you! We count on you! Together we will succeed in meeting this challenge, if you express your charity and generosity before the Lord,” he said addressing himself to the people of God in Bobo-Dioulasso Archdiocese and benefactors, and added, “Your punctual or continuous donations are still expected.”
“We are at your disposal for any information. We are at your service to facilitate the transmission of your donations and contributions,” Fr. Baki said.
He said that contributions can be made through Bank transfer on IBAN: BF42 BF13 4020 0105 4034 6700 4429 SWIFT: ATBFBFFXXX.
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