Vatican, 14 May, 2023 / 7:42 PM
On Mother’s Day, Pope Francis entrusted all mothers, including those in heaven, to the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Speaking from the window of the Apostolic Palace on May 14, Pope Francis asked the crowd gathered in St. Peter’s Square for a round of applause to celebrate all mothers.
“Mother’s Day is celebrated in many countries today. Let us gratefully and affectionately remember all mothers, those who are still with us and those who have gone to heaven. We entrust them to Mary, the Mother of Jesus,” the pope said.
Pope Francis added that he was also turning to the Virgin Mary to ask her to “alleviate the suffering of battered Ukraine and of all the nations wounded by war and violence.”
He prayed in particular for an effective cease-fire between Israelis and Palestinians. He said: “Security and stability are never obtained through the use of arms, but rather, every hope of peace will continue to be destroyed.”
In his reflection on Sunday’s Gospel, Pope Francis said that the Holy Spirit should be thought of as a constant “companion for life,” who is always there to bring God’s consolation, mercy, and strength.
“The Holy Spirit wants to stay with us: He is not a passing guest who comes to pay us a courtesy visit. He is a companion for life, a stable presence. He is the Spirit and desires to dwell in our spirits. He is patient and stays with us even when we fall. He remains because he truly loves us,” he said.
Pope Francis asked people to reflect on how often they call upon the Holy Spirit and urged them not to forget that the Holy Spirit is always within us and never abandons us.
“If we find ourselves in a moment of trial, the Holy Spirit consoles us, bringing us God’s pardon and strength,” he said.
Pope Francis noted that we can ask the Virgin Mary for the grace to be more “docile to the voice of the Holy Spirit and sensitive to his presence.”
“If we call on the Spirit, we will learn to welcome and recall the most important truth of life that protects us from the accusations of the evil one. And what is the most important truth in life? That we are beloved children of God,” Pope Francis said.
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