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Catholic Archbishop in Angola Cautions Christians against Superstition, Urges Prudence

Archbishop Zeferino Zeca Martins of Angola’s Huambo Archdiocese. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

The Archbishop of Angola’s Huambo Archdiocese has cautioned Christians of Holy Cross Canhé Parish of his Metropolitan See against superstitions, and urged them to “be astute and prudent” in their faith practice. 

Speaking at the end of his pastoral visit to the Angolan Parish on September 17, Archbishop Zeferino Zeca Martins said, “Always be on your guard against people who can sow division in your midst, or even those who belong to countless religious sects, which are widespread in our society and infiltrate groups and movements within the community.”

Leaders and members of the “widespread” sects, Archbishop Zeca lamented, are “insistently trying to entice the faithful with vain and futile words so that they abandon the Catholic Church and faith in Jesus Christ.”

“Reject superstition; don't be fooled by those who practice occult and superstitious acts; be astute and prudent with those who don't love God and who spend their time doing everything but seeking God,” he said, and emphasized, “Resist them and show them how great your faith in Jesus Christ is”.

The Angolan member of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD) went on to urge Christians to demonstrate their love for the Church by their lifestyle as a challenge to those fostering superstition.

“Show them how great your love for the Church is, so that they too, the superstitious, seeing your love for Christ and your dedication to the Church, may be converted and become new members with you and in your midst, born of the power of the Spirit and the Word of God,” he said.

Archbishop Zeca continued making reference to St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, “Remain firm in the faith, God is with you. Do not be afraid. If God is for you, who can be against you?” he said.

“You are called to form Catholic Christian families, families committed to the Church and to society, honest families, hard-working families, sacrificial families,” the 57-year-old Angolan Archbishop who started his Episcopal Ministry in August 2012 as Auxiliary Bishop of Angola’s Luanda Archdiocese said. 

He called upon Christians in the Southern African nation to “offer your lives generously in the service of his harvest”, and added in reference to Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Don't get tired or discouraged in asking the Lord to raise up vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life in the families of Holy Cross Canhé.”

“Christians must make the talents we have received bear fruit, and we must be alert and vigilant about the talents we have received,” Archbishop Zeca further said at the end of his pastoral visit to Holy Cross Canhé Parish on September 17

João Vissesse contributed in the writing of this story

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