A friend of Pope Leo XIII and the teacher of St. Gemma Galgani, Elena Guerra (1835–1914) is known for her...
Vatican magistrates will retire at the end of the judicial year in which they turn 75 and cardinal judges at...
Wilton Cardinal Gregory, the Catholic Archbishop of Washington in the U.S., received this year’s Rector’s Award at an April 11...
Pope Francis will travel to the Southeast Asian countries of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Singapore later this...
The pope warned “the throwaway culture” turns into “a culture of death” when people “presume to be able to establish...
“Brothers, sisters, the joy of the Resurrection is not something far away. It is very close; it is ours because...
In his Easter Sunday blessing, Pope Francis asked the risen Lord to open paths of peace in the Holy Land,...
Pope Francis encouraged the priests to turn their gaze upon the crucified Lord and weep over their sins in repentance,...
“Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive!” Pope Francis wrote in a letter to young people signed...
In a meeting with Nigerians living in Rome on March 25, the pope said that he was grateful for all...
On Palm Sunday, hundreds of priests, bishops, cardinals, and laypeople solemnly carried large palm branches in procession through St. Peter’s...
Pope Francis offered prayers for the victims of the “vile terrorist attack” in Moscow at the end of his Palm...
Pope Francis said Sunday that God’s glory and our true happiness are not found in success, fame, or popularity but...
The Vatican is drafting the guidelines with the goal of providing a valuable resource for individuals, organizations, and communities within...
“Institutions, social and political, have the fundamental duty to ... offer women, the bearers of life, the necessary conditions to...
On the eve of the 750th anniversary of St. Thomas Aquinas’ death, a skull revered as a relic of St....
In his Angelus address on March 3, the pope made an emotional plea for a deal that both frees the...
The schedule includes five papal liturgies, Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum, and other traditions to mark the most...
“Dear brothers and sisters, I still have a bit of a cold,” Pope Francis said in a soft-spoken voice on...
The cancellation comes after Pope Francis concluded a five-day Lenten retreat at his Vatican residence.