Following the publication of the Protestant study last week, abuse expert Father Hans Zollner told German agency KNA: “There is no monocausal connection between certain church structures and abuse; it is much more complex.”
Zollner was part of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Children until 2023 and headed the Institute of Anthropology at the Pontifical Gregorian University.
The abuse expert said, according to CNA Deutsch, it was “certainly not wrong to think about what has facilitated sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and hindered clarification and how this should be changed.” However, he warned, “it is too short-sighted to think that married priests or more women in the leadership of the Church would in themselves prevent abuse.”
Neuer Anfang emphasized the presence of systemic causes of sexual abuse that transcend denominational boundaries, such as power imbalances, unclear role patterns, and the potential for manipulation in asymmetrical relationships.
“These structural factors, which are conducive to abuse, are not unique to the Catholic Church or any single denomination. They are cross-institutional, prevalent wherever children and young people are involved — in churches of all denominations, as well as in sports and educational settings.”
Democracy and synodality
The German bishops will debate the Synodal Way in their next plenary assembly in Augsburg from Feb. 19–22. This meeting is expected to be a critical juncture, as the bishops will vote on a committee with the goal of introducing a permanent Synodal Council to oversee the Church in Germany.
Ahead of the gathering, Bishop Georg Bätzing of Limburg, the German bishops’ conference president, wrote that the Church must “look for suitable meeting formats and participation procedures” that “enable as many people as possible to be seriously involved in consultations and decisions,” CNA Deutsch reported.
In this context, Bätzing wrote, modern democracy, with its recognition of human dignity and the separation of powers, the welfare state, and rule of law, should not “give rise to fears in the Church.”
AC Wimmer is the News Editor for Europe and Asia at EWTN News. The multilingual Australian, raised in Bavaria and South Africa, served as editor-in-chief of several news media outlets. A graduate in Philosophy and Chinese Studies from the University of Melbourne, the veteran journalist is a former Honorary Research Fellow in Communications at his alma mater and served on the Board of Caritas in Munich.