
Catholic Bishop in South Africa Lauds IMBISA Golden Jubilee Theme as Showing Synodal Call to Listen, Walk Together

Members of the Standing Committee of IMBISA during the opening Eucharistic celebration for the launch of the Jubilee on Wednesday 8 May 2024. Credit: Fr. Dumisani Vilakati

The theme for the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Inter-Regional Meeting of the Bishops of Southern Africa (IMBISA) is in line with that of the Synod on Synodality, in which the people of God are called upon to listen, discern, and walk together, Bishop Siphiwo Paul Vanqa of South Africa’s Catholic Diocese of Queenstown has said.

Golden Jubilee celebrations of the nine-nation entity of Catholic Bishops in Southern Africa are being organized under the theme, “IMBISA Golden Jubilee: A synodal journey, nourished by compassion and blossoming in faith as pilgrims of hope.”

In his speech at the opening Eucharistic celebration for the launch of the Jubilee on Wednesday, May 8, Bishop Vanqua said, “The theme captures the essential activities of IMBISA, namely, to bring the Bishops of the region together and enable them to act in common.”

Bishop Siphiwo Paul Vanqa. Credit: Manzini Diocese

The coming together of IMBISA members in view of acting in common “shows the communion of their Dioceses with each other,” he said during the Holy Mass that was part of the May 6-10 meeting of the IMBISA Standing Committee in Eswatini’s Catholic Diocese of Manzini to begin the year of preparations ahead of the Golden Jubilee in 2025.


“The theme through the words ‘synodal journey’ and ‘pilgrims of hope’ encourages listening, discerning and walking together as a community nourished by compassion,” Bishop Vanqa said at Our Lady of Assumption Cathedral of Manzini Diocese.

The South African-born member of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (SAC.) went on to highlight the relevance of the theme in the life and ministry of IMBISA members.

Credit: Fr. Dumisani Vilakati

“The Second Vatican Council teaches that one of the tasks of a Bishop is to be in solitude for the whole church. In other words, the Bishop cares for all the people of God through his attitude and actions,” Bishop Vanqa said. 

A Bishop, the Local Ordinary of Queenstown Diocese since his Episcopal Consecration in May 2021 further said, “gives pastoral care to all God's people, not only to the people of his Diocese.”

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“Through gathering with other Bishops through IMBISA, the faithful of their region are brought together on the pilgrim road in a more visible way,” he said, and added, “The Bishops of IMBISA have, over the years, been able to pay attention to the needs of the church beyond the borders of their own Dioceses.”

“The Bishops could turn to one another on matters of common concern,” the Catholic Church leader said. 

Credit: Fr. Dumisani Vilakati

Focusing on the phrase “nourished by compassion” in the theme, he said it ‘aims to represent” the coming together of Bishops on matters of common concern, and explained, “Today, as in the past, each country's Bishops are called in IMBISA meetings where they share with each other their experiences.”

“They do it in two ways. Firstly, they report on the socio-economic realities of their countries. Secondly, they give a picture of the activities of the church in their country,” Bishop Vanqa said, recalling the deliberations during meetings that bring together those at the helm of Episcopal Sees in Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, São Tomé and Príncipe, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.


Through the deliberations, he noted, “Bishops live true the realities of their region in an authentic manner and through their discussion, care for the Church in a real way.”

Credit: Fr. Dumisani Vilakati

Reflecting on the phrase, “blossoming in faith”, the Catholic Bishop said, “The meeting of Bishops in IMBISA recognizes the growth of the faith in our region. The liveliness of the youth in our Dioceses, the constant dedication of parents and Catechists to handing on the faith, the number of vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life all point to the fact that the faith that we received has grown tremendously.”

“The theme enables us in IMBISA to focus on the task ahead,” he further said, and implored, “May the Lord who walks with us strengthen our resolve to build up the church in our region in the time to come.”

In his opening remarks during the May 8 launch of the preparations for the Golden Jubilee celebrations, the President of IMBISA highlighted challenges that he said the people of God in the nine Southern African nations grapple with, and advocated for a collaborative approach in addressing them.

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Credit: Fr. Dumisani Vilakati

“We have the problem of drought that exposes many people to hunger, frequent floods, and tropical depressions that cause a lot of suffering to our people,” Archbishop Liborius Ndumbukuti Nashenda said.

Archbishop Nashenda also highlighted other challenges, including “migration, especially forced migration, a violation of the most basic human rights, corruption, conflicts, and wars.”

He encouraged the spirit of Synodality, saying, “As we reflect on our path so far and look to the future, let us continue to walk together in solidarity, guided by the light of Christ's teachings.”

Jude Atemanke is a Cameroonian journalist with a passion for Catholic Church communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Buea in Cameroon. Currently, Jude serves as a journalist for ACI Africa.