
Fostering “hope, peace, prayer, and dialogue” among Priority Goals of New Apostolic Nuncio in Zimbabwe

New Apostolic Nuncio in Zimbabwe, Archbishop Janusz Urbańczyk, speaking to Journalists on 16 May 2024. Credit: Catholic Church News/Zimbabwe

The new representative of the Holy Father in Zimbabwe has outlined his priority goals as he begins his diplomatic service in the Southern African nation.

Speaking to journalists after presenting his diplomatic credentials to Zimbabwe’s President,Emmerson Mnangagwa, on Thursday, May 16, Archbishop Janusz Urbańczyk said, “Given the present world situation, my goal as the Pope’s Representative and Church leader will be, among others, to foster hope, peace, prayer, and dialogue.”

In a Thursday, May 16 report following the press conference, Archbishop Urbańczyk is quoted as lamenting people’s exposure to violence in many parts of the world and there standing in need of hope for better days.

Credit: Catholic Church News/Zimbabwe

He is also quoted referring to his Episcopal motto, “Voluntas Dei, Pax Nostra” (God’s will is our peace) and emphasizing the need for lasting peace in countries, in families, and among the people of God in general.


The native of Poland who was assigned the Titular See of Voli in Tunisia following his January 25 appointmenttold journalists on May 16 about his goal to foster prayer.

He is said to have reflected onPope Francis’call for a Year of Prayerin preparation for the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year, the second in his Pontificate after the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy in 2015.

Credit: Catholic Church News/Zimbabwe

The new Apostolic Nuncio in Zimbabwe underlined the importance of prayer in the lives of the people of God, and, according to the May 16 report by Fr. Johnston Mlambo, stressed the need for “intensified prayers to prepare the Church to live the event of grace well and to experience the strength of God’s hope.”

On his goal to foster dialogue during his diplomatic service in the Southern African nation, Archbishop Urbańczyk is said to have explained the value of dialogue and expressed the Catholic Church’s readiness to walk together with her members in their different situations across the globe.

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“I believe that the opportunities for dialogue should be further enhanced, especially by dialoguing with the political, religious, interfaith, and intercultural worlds,” the Apostolic Nuncio, who arrived in the country on April 25 has been quoted as saying.

Credit: Catholic Church News/Zimbabwe

He also weighed in on the currentEl Nino-induced drought in Zimbabwe, calling for concrete action to help save lives, reaching out to affected persons.

The Apostolic Nunciature in Zimbabwe has been vacant since July last year following the transfer to Colombia of Archbishop Paolo Rudelli who had been the Apostolic Nuncio in the country since January 2020.

Born in Poland’s Catholic Diocese of Warszawa-Praga in May 1967, the new Apostolic Nuncio in Zimbabwe was ordained a Priest in June 1992 after completing his priestly studies and formation.


Credit: Catholic Church News/Zimbabwe

The graduate in Canon Law who speaks English, Italian, Slovak, and Spanish entered the Holy See's diplomatic service in July 1997and has served in the Pontifical Representations in Bolivia, Slovakia, New Zealand, Kenya, and the United Nations (UN).

Archbishop Urbańczyk has also served as Permanent Representative of the Holy See to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

Credit: Catholic Church News/Zimbabwe

He has represented the Holy See at the Preparatory Commission of the Organization for the Treaty on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban (CTBTO), and served as Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (ONUDI) and the UN office in Vienna.

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Silas Mwale Isenjia is a Kenyan journalist with a great zeal and interest for Catholic Church related communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics, Media and Communication from Moi University in Kenya. Silas has vast experience in the Media production industry. He currently works as a Journalist for ACI Africa.