“Almighty God calls in any environment and each person at their own time. Some are called from families with strong faith and others from families with weak faith, where there is drunkenness and even paganism. It is God who calls,” the Catholic Church leader said.
Reflecting on the call of Samuel, the Local Ordinary of the Catholic Diocese of Tanga said, “We learn that any calling comes from Almighty God. God calls anyone He pleases. It is not based on the merits of the one called but on God’s goodness, mercy, and love.”
He further encouraged Christians to always be ready to answer God’s call, saying, “Almighty God calls us at any time with the intention of giving us His servants as an example of the journey of faith, thus becoming witnesses of that faith.”
He continued, “The most important thing is to distinguish the voice of Almighty God from other voices.”
According to Bishop Kiangio, “there are various voices; the voice of Almighty God, like in the calling of Samuel, and also other voices that do not align with Almighty God.”
The Local Ordinary of Tanga diocese cautioned, “During Samuel's time, there was much arrogance, even the voice of Almighty God was not received It was subdued. Samuel heard the voice three times and did not know who was calling him. It was only when Eli realized it was God’s voice that he instructed Samuel on what to say when called the fourth time.”
Bishop Kiangio who was appointed Local Odrinary of Tanga Diocese in June 2023, and consecrated in September 2023 invited Christians to be keen on identifying God’s voice.
“Beloved, by listening to this word especially concerning our calling, let us recognize that we are also examples of various callings,” he said, and added, “There are various callings in the world we live in; Priesthood, religious life, and marriage.”
“Do not enter a calling because of fanaticism, like that of Simba and Yanga. Do not enter a calling and later say, If I had known, I would not have entered,” he said.
Irene Wambui contributed to the writing of this story