
Catholic Nuns in Kenya Launch Communications Network to Boost Apostolate “media visibility, amplify Sisters’ voices”

Members of the Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya (AOSK) during the of a communications forum aimed at enhancing media visibility of their various apostolates. Credit: Communication Network for Catholic Sisters (CNCS)

Catholic sisters in Kenya under their umbrella body, the Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya (AOSK), have officially launched a communications forum aimed at enhancing “media visibility” of their various apostolates in the East African nation.

The launch of the Communication Network for Catholic Sisters (CNCS) in Nairobi on Friday, June 14 followed a two-day workshop that involved the training of 13 Catholic Sisters drawn from AOSK member Congregations.

Credit: Communication Network for Catholic Sisters (CNCS)

In her speech during the launch, the Chairperson of the Board of Management of AOSK expressed joy for the initiative that is being realized in partnership with the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.

“The launch of this Communications Network is not just about technology or media. It is about creating a space where our voices can be heard, where our stories can inspire, and where our collective efforts can lead to meaningful change,” Sr. Josephine Kangogo said during the CNCS launch at the Radix Hotel in Karen, Nairobi.


Through CNCS, Sr. Kangogo said, “the apostolates of Catholic Sisters in Kenya will be promoted through increased media visibility.”

Credit: ACI Africa

The Kenyan-born member of the Religious Institute of the  Daughters of the Sacred Heart (DSH), where she serves as the Provincial Superior of the Eastern Africa Province continued, “This network will amplify Sisters' voices, allow sisters to share their stories, and highlight the impactful work they are doing across Kenya.”

“It will be a communication with added value in the sense that it will not be communication for its own sake but shall contain the values that we hold dear as Religious Sisters while articulating our dedication and love for the society God has called us to serve, share knowledge and best practices among others,” she further said.

Credit: ACI Africa

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Sr. Kangogo went on to reflect on the importance of sharing information, saying, “Communication is the lifeblood of every progressive society and in everyday living; and not just communication but the right information.”

“When we leave others to give our stories, we create a gap and sometimes a leeway to rumours because no one can express your experience exactly the way you would,” she emphasized, adding that rumours have been there even from the time of Jesus.

Alluding to the resurrection Jesus Christ that was surrounded attempts to distort the facts, Sr. Kangogo said CNCS will give Catholic Sisters in Kenya a forum to tell “our stories” as they should be told, without distortion.

“I can imagine the revolution that this communication network is going to make; I have so much hope and faith that this platform will revitalize and strengthen the way we evangelize,” she said, and acknowledged with appreciation the role of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation in the communication initiative.

Credit: ACI Africa


The Provincial Superior of DSH in Eastern Africa reiterated her confidence in the ability of the Catholic Nuns in Kenya to positively influence others in society, saying, “Sisters, we are a formidable team, and we can do so much through communication and be able to reach out and touch the lives of many as our call to religious life invites us to.”

“Catholic Sisters are actively engaged in creating social change, whether in education, healthcare, or other community services; they are making a significant impact by transforming and touching lives,” Sr. Kangogo said during the June 14 event that had Angelique Mutombo, Sr. Jane Wakahiu of the Little Sisters of St. Francis (LSOSF) Kenya, and Sr. Agnes Njeri of the Sisters of St. Joseph (SSJ) in attendance as representatives of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.

Silas Mwale Isenjia is a Kenyan journalist with a great zeal and interest for Catholic Church related communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics, Media and Communication from Moi University in Kenya. Silas has vast experience in the Media production industry. He currently works as a Journalist for ACI Africa.