
Catholic Bishop in Angola Decries Increased Targeted Attacks, Highlights Recent Robbery in Church Facilities

Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Cabinda. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Cabinda is decrying increased cases of targeted attacks on Church facilities.

Speaking to journalists Tuesday, June 18 in his Episcopal See, Bishop Chissengueti highlighted recent multiple incidents of robbery in Rectories and at least one Convent, and urged authorities in the Southern African nation to address the security challenge.

“In recent times we have experienced some violence against our institutions. In the last four months, the community of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny in São Bento has been robbed four times,” he lamented.

The Angolan-born member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers/CSSp.) added, “A little less than three weeks ago, the Priests’ House of the Holy Martyrs Parish was also robbed; and last night,  St. Augustine Parish was robbed, a Parish built with much sacrifice and whose sacristy and other spaces were violated.”

He appealed to authorities to take action to protect Church facilities. He said, “We want to ask our authorities, who are responsible for our security, to take the necessary measures to prevent such acts. We know that security is the responsibility of the State.”


The Local Ordinary of Cabinda Diocese since his Episcopal Consecration in September 2018 continued, “That's why the General Tax Administration (AGT) charges us very high taxes, with violent fines for a short time. And this isn't just to line their pockets; it's also to ensure the safety of all of us who need peaceful nights because we pay and contribute to it.”

To those behind the attacks and robberies, the Bishop of Cabinda Diocese, who doubles as the Chairman of the Episcopal Commission for youth, university ministry and Scouting of the Bishops' Conference of Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe (CEAST) called for conversion.

“I beg you to leave the citizens alone. You have to work to eat the bread that comes from the sweat of each person, and when you can no longer afford it, then contact charities. But stealing, killing, and destroying are acts of the devil; you must change from this evil way,” Bishop Chissengueti appealed. 

Meanwhile, on June 17, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Benguela said he was concerned about the robberies that he said have not spared the local Catholic Church institutions.

“We're living in a society where evil is growing. This week, a Priest from our diocese who was returning to his mission on his motorcycle fell victim to those who wanted to take his bike,” Bishop Estêvão Binga recounted in his homily at CEAST chapel in Angola’s capital city, Luanda. 

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Bishop Binga added referring to the attackers of the Priest, “They smashed his helmet to bits and last night I received another message that one of our communities was robbed at night and one of the Priests was also mistreated, and his belongings taken away.” 

“This is just a symbol of how our society is going, how our world is going, countries being invaded, societies being robbed of their dignity as well as their property,” he further lamented.

The 57-year-old Angolan Catholic Bishop decried injustice, and said, “It is a tendency for justice itself not to work and we will all be dragged into this association of the wicked when we incur or are conniving and complicit in the practice of evil and revenge.”

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.