
Newly Ordained Catholic Priests in Mozambique Called Upon to “also strive for their own sanctification”

Archbishop Inácio Saúre of Mozambique’s Catholic Archdiocese Nampula during the 22 June 2024 Priestly Ordination. Credit: Catholic Archdiocese Nampula

Archbishop Inácio Saúre of Mozambique’s Catholic Archdiocese Nampula has called upon the two Deacons he ordained Priests to pay attention to their personal holiness even as they help others become holy during their Priestly ministry.

In his homily during the Priestly Ordination of Deacon Abdul Vianela Rapson of the Missionary Society of the Heralds of Good News (HGN) and Deacon Paulo Wilson of the Missionaries of the Holy Family (MSF), Archbishop Saúre reminded them of their threefold mission to teach, govern and sanctify. 

“By saying yes, Abdul and Carvalho reiterate their commitment to follow Jesus Christ to exercise the triple of teaching, governing, and sanctifying God's people; and in order to sanctify others, they must also strive for their own sanctification,” the Mozambican Catholic Archbishop said during the June 22 Eucharistic celebration that was held at St. Mickael the Archangel Parish of Nampula Archdiocese.

Archbishop Inácio Saúre of Mozambique’s Catholic Archdiocese Nampula during the 22 June 2024 Priestly Ordination. Credit: Catholic Archdiocese Nampula

He added, “Vocation to the Priesthood is more important in a Christian's calling than any post of responsibility.”


Referring to Pope Francis, he reminded the Priests-elect that it is in everyday life, in one's own context of life, work, social and economic, that people can become saints.

Credit: Catholic Archdiocese Nampula

“Are you a consecrated man or woman? Be holy by joyfully living your giving. Are you married? Be holy by loving and caring for your husband or wife, as Christ did for the Church. Are you a worker? Be holy by carrying out your work in the service of your brothers and sisters with honesty and competence,” he said.

Credit: Catholic Archdiocese Nampula

The Mozambican-born member of the Institute of Consolata Missionaries (IMC), who started his Episcopal Ministry in May 2011 as Bishop of Mozambique’s Tete Diocese further said, “The Church needs Priests who are truly intelligent men, men with wisdom, and above all men filled with the Holy Spirit, who become Priests after God's own heart.”

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Credit: Catholic Archdiocese Nampula

“There is a decisive stage in a person's life, when it is clear that the whole future of the person is at stake. The decision of the newly ordained, which culminated in their ordination today, was not taken lightly,” he said, adding that the decision “matured progressively over time.”

The Local Ordinary of Nampula Archdiocese continued, “The path can be difficult, it can be rocky, there are doubts, there is a feeling of inadequacy, but on the way there is also the light on the horizon that helps us to walk, to move forward.”

Credit: Catholic Archdiocese Nampula

“Never forget prayer,” Archbishop Saúre emphasized, and appealed, “Pray always to the Lord who has called you for guidance and support in your mission as Priests.”


João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.