
Generosity, Compassion, “loving in an unlimited way” among Virtues Clergy Must Manifest: Kenyan Bishop at Ordination

Members of the Clergy must manifest generosity, compassion, love and altruism, Bishop Michael Odiwa of the Catholic Diocese of Homa Bay in Kenya has said. 

In his homily during the ordination of new Deacons and Priests at St. John's Rakwaro Minor Seminary of his Episcopal See, Bishop Odiwa emphasized the need to practice the highlighted virtues by one’s lifestyle. 

“We want to ask these our young men to be able to have the profound love of God in their hearts; to be generous, selfless, compassionate and loving in an unlimited way,” he said during the June 28 ordination of six Deacons of the Missionaries Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Claretian Missionaries) to Priesthood, and two seminarians to Diaconate.

The Kenyan Catholic Bishop added, “In this time and season we need to show by our life, our generosity, selflessness, (and) compassion that we love God; that we give ourselves to his service and His people.”

The highlighted virtues are among God’s gifts to humanity. “It is God that gives us the graces,” he said, adding that “the more generous and open we are, the better for the ministry because none is better than the other.” 


The Local Ordinary of Homa Bay Diocese since his Episcopal Consecration in February 2021 went on to recall Jesus’ commissioning of the 72 disciples in pairs and the related instructions, and urged the candidates for Holy Orders to beware of the “very many distractors” in life. 

“There are very many distractors in this life and this ministry; therefore, we must ask God to keep us always focused; to keep us always pursuing that which He calls us to do,” he said.

The Kenyan Catholic Bishop added, “Like the 72 in the Gospel that were sent in pairs, make those who are living with various difficulties, various challenges find the strength from above, from God Himself.”

“The power that the 72 were given is the same power you are being given today from this altar and God asks of you not to be distracted,” he said. 

Bishop Odiwa added, “Oftentimes, the intention may be that pure and that correct but in the course of the way, distractions and friends remove us from that; this is why we must pray and focus on God so that the intention may not be diverted by worldly things.”

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