
Plans Underway for Cape Verde’s Catholic Youth Jubilee Year, Official Says “spiritual dimension is extremely important”

Credit: Diocese of Santiago

Plans are underway towards the celebration of the National Jubilee Year of Catholic Youths in Cape Verde that is scheduled to take place from August 4 -12 under the theme, “Joyful in hope” that was inspired by recommendations from Pope Francis 2023 World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal.

In an interview with Rádio Nova de Maria in Cape Verde, an official of the Youth Secretariat of the country’s Catholic Diocese of Santiago shared details of the preparations, and highlighted the “spiritual dimension” as being “extremely important”. 

“The Jubilee celebration is entering its final phase with the last preparations for the D-day that will take place from August 4 to 8, in the Vicariate of Santiago Norte, and from August 8 to 12, in the Vicariate of Santiago Sul and Maio,” Deacon Daniel Vaz who assists at the Diocesan Youth Secretariat of Cape Verde’s Catholic Diocese of Santiago said. 

Expectations are high owing to the fact that “a large number of young people from all over the world are expected since Cape Verdeans are spread across the globe,” Deacon Vaz further said in the interview that was reported Wednesday, July 3.

The schedule of the program that is to begin in Santiago Norte on August 4 will start with welcoming “all the people who have registered for the Jubilee, those who come from the islands and the diaspora,” the Cape Verdean permanent Deacon said. 


The participants, he went on to say, “will go to Santiago Norte and there they will be under the responsibility of the Vicariate of Santiago Norte; they will have a specific program.”

On August 8, participants will be led to the city of Praia where host families will receive the youths, then later reconvene at around 3 p.m. to “make their way with great joy to the Pope's Cross,” Deacon Vaz said.

At Pope’s Cross, Arlindo Cardinal Gomes Furtado is to preside over the opening Eucharistic celebration of the final week of the Jubilee Year “in the town of Quebra Canela, which for us is a historic site,” he added. 

The Holy Mass is to be followed by “a great festival that the youth will enjoy,” the Catholic youth official said. 

The celebration of the Catholic Youth Jubilee year provides young people in Cape Verde an opportunity to show their love “for their Church, for their Diocese, and above all for the country,” Deacon Vaz said. 

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The invitation to participate in the August 4-12 activities, he said, is also extended to “all those who are in the country and the diaspora and naturally requires young people from all the parishes, from all the parish secretariats, but also from the secretariats of the country's two dioceses.”

In participating in the planned events, Cape Verdean youths will be making a commitment to their country and to the Universal Church as active members, he further said.

For this to happen, the permanent Deacon said, “we need to be very well prepared and well engaged, which is why the spiritual dimension is extremely important and more prominent.”

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