
Newly Ordained Spiritan Priests in Angola Urged to Build Priestly Ministry on Prayer, to “pray holy rosary every day”

Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Cabinda with the three members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost Fathers/Spiritans) whom he ordained Priests.

Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Cabinda has called upon the three members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost Fathers/Spiritans) whom he ordained Priests to build their Priestly ministry on the foundation of prayer.

In his homily during the July 6 Priestly ordination of Deacon Daniel Candeeiro, Deacon Simão Arnaldo Panzo, and Deacon Pedro Cavela, Bishop Chissengueti emphasized the need for responsibility and commitment. 

“Prayer is the Priest’s food. The Priest must be close to God. No one remains firm in their vocation or happy in their mission if they are not men of women of prayer,” the Angolan Catholic Bishop said during the event that was held at the Holy Spirit Parish of Cabinda Diocese.

He added, “The Priest must pray the holy rosary every day to find the strength in prayer to fulfill the mission of proclaiming the Gospel. The Spiritan Missionary must be a man of prayer; this is our charism.”

The Angolan Spiritan Archbishop asked the Priests-elect to be men who are “available to the church, who don't get tired, and who look for ways to respond to the challenges to which they are called.”


“The Priest is a collaborator of the Bishops, and not their ordinary critic,” Bishop Chissengueti said, adding that Priests are “collaborators who live the joys and sorrows of church life with the Bishop.”

The Catholic Bishop, who also serves as the president of the Episcopal Commission for youth, university ministry and Scouting of the Bishops' Conference of Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe (CEAST) encouraged the Priests-elect to remain firm in the faith.

“Your faith will make it possible for you to maintain the joy of your vocation throughout your life and, above all, availability for the mission,” Bishop Chissengueti, who has been at the helm of Cabinda Diocese since his Episcopal Consecration in September 2018 said. 

He called upon the Priests-elect to participate in the Divine Office, and added, “It is not in vain that the Church, to nourish our faith, has arranged the liturgy of the hours with offices that have been deeply and pedagogically thought out, so that they can help stimulate our daily lives.”

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.