
Families Have “fundamental role” in Influencing Behavior Change in New Generation Youths: Catholic Bishop in Angola

Bishop Estêvão Binga

Families are instrumental in effecting change of behaviour among new general youths, Bishop Estêvão Binga has said.

Bishop Binga, who was speaking at the opening ceremony of the Evangelization Day of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Benguela, which seeks to encourage the promotion of moral and civic values among teenagers and young people, starting with the family, underscored the need for formal education that guarantees intellectual maturity. 

“Families play a fundamental role in changing the behavior of the new generations,” the Auxiliary Bishop of Benguela Diocese said during the Wednesday, July 10 event that had agents of the Family Ministry of the Angolan Catholic Diocese in attendance.

He added, “With a stable family, solidarity with the most vulnerable becomes increasingly effective and timely, even in terms of social stability within communities.”

“The process of Christian education must be taken into account because it constitutes an added value in the moralization of society,” the Angolan Catholic Bishop told the agents of the Family Ministry.


The process of formal education, he emphasized, must be carried out as “a permanent exercise, to guarantee the intellectual maturity of the new generations.”

The Auxiliary Bishop of Benguela, who started his Episcopal Ministry in February 2022 following his November 2021 appointment further said, “The guidance of the new generations, especially in the academic, technical, and professional fields, is a fundamental pillar for everyone to be able to contribute to solidarity action in favor of those most in need.”

He called upon family members to work towards forming well their conscience.

“Based on moral values that are properly cemented in the conscience of each citizen, everyone ends up showing solidarity with the needs of others, alleviating the suffering of the most vulnerable,” the 57-year-old Catholic Church leader said.

Set to conclude on July 31, the Evangelization Day has a set of activities, including meetings with various Church organizations, whether for youth, children, or adults, moderated by Family Apostolate Coordinators in each parish of the Catholic Diocese of Benguela.

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João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.