
Thousands to Participate in Annual Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Muxima Shrine in Angola: Catholic Bishop Host

Credit: Diocese of Viana

Thousands of pilgrims are expected to participate in the 2024 pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Muxima scheduled to begin on August 30 in Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Viana, the Local Ordinary has said.

Bishop Emílio Sumbelelo, who was speaking to journalists after an audience with the Governor of Luanda Province, Manuel Homem, highlighted some of the innovations for this year’s spiritual event to be realized under the theme, “With Mary, let us live the Year of Prayer in Faith.”

“This year thousands of people are expected to take part in this religious event,” Bishop Sumbelelo told journalists on Tuesday, July 16, and added, “This year, we want to introduce fireworks to show the population that the pilgrimage also has a touristic aspect that we would like to promote.”

Pilgrims are set to arrive in the village of Muxima on August 29 and ushered into “catechesis and religious celebrations” ahead of Holy Mass to officially open the pilgrimage on August 31, he said about the spiritual event scheduled to conclude on September 1.

The Angolan Catholic Bishop also spoke about the pilgrimage logo, which he said would be moved in a procession through some of the suffragan Dioceses in the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Luanda, including the Dioceses of Caxito and Viana.


“The pilgrimage logo will also follow the Cabala bridge to Muxima village, escorted by the military,” Bishop Sumbelelo further said about this year’s pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Muxima that is to have Bishop Manuel da Silva Rodrigues Linda of the Catholic Diocese of Porto in Portugal as guest of honour.

In the July 16 press conference, the Local Ordinary of Viana who doubles as President of the Episcopal Commission for Family and Life of the Bishops' Conference of Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe (CEAST) said that engaging the Governor was part of the decision to bring on board local authorities. 

He explained, “The pilgrimage will attract many people and we need the assistance of the authorities in ensuring order during the event.”

“We tried to deal with some common issues regarding parking and we know that work is underway at the Shrine of Our Lady of Muxima and spaces are beginning to be scarce,” Bishop Sumbelelo said.

Considered by many to be the most popular place of pilgrimage and worship in Angola, the Shrine of Our Lady of Muxima is located some 130 kilometers from the country’s capital city, Luanda.

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Every year, the Shrine attracts local and foreign pilgrims. In the local Kimbundu language, “Muxima” means heart, a name given to the Shrine due to its prime location in the middle (heart) of the province. Muxima sits on the edge of the Kwanza River.

The village of Muxima was occupied by the Portuguese in 1589; they built a fortress and the Church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Muxima.

A popular place of devotion to our Lady from one generation to the next, the Marian pilgrimage received a boost when Angola’s Diocese of Viana was created in 2007, inaugurating a new phase in the history of the Shrine.

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.