
“We thank you for saying yes to the Lord”: Catholic Bishop in DR Congo to 25 Newly Ordained Deacons

Credit: Fr. Jean-Baptiste Malenge

The decision to be available to serve the people of God as an ordained minister is laudable, Bishop Charles Ndaka Salabisala has said. 

In his homily during the July 20 Diaconate Ordination of 25 Seminarians, Bishop Ndaka, one of the Auxiliary Bishops of the Catholic Archdiocese of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), thanked the Deacons-elect for accepting God’s call, which he described as grace.

“Your ordination as Deacons is a grace. The Archdiocese of Kinshasa is honoured; we thank God; we thank you for saying yes to the Lord,” he said, and emphasized, “The Lord calls you by pure grace rather than by merit; He calls each of you by name to be a servant.”

The Sacrament of Holy Orders, Bishop Ndaka went on to say, “is a grace that makes you fit for the mission.”

Holy Orders “touches your very being, making you a new man, a Deacon of the Lord, transforming you and making you His servant; your life becomes a life of service from today onwards,” he told the 25 Deacons-elect during the July 20 ordination celebration at Our Lady of Congo Cathedral of Kinshasa Archdiocese.


“The poor are part of the essence of your vocation and diaconal ministry,” Bishop Ndaka said, and continued, “You must discover the different forms of poverty to better embrace the poor with love, tenderness, and compassion.”

He highlighted the leadership role of the Deacons-elect and cautioned them against fear.

“The Lord puts you in front of his people to guide them. Do not be afraid, for the Lord will be with you always,” he said, adding that they “no longer have a private life, but everything you do must be in keeping with the Sacrament you have received.”

“What you own, what you even think of starting, what you feel, and even what you hope to become one day, is no longer yours; it belongs to the Lord,” one of the three Auxiliary Bishops Pope Francis appointed for Kinshasa Archdiocese in June 2020 said.

He called upon the Deacons-elect to “practice what you have been taught. Let the word of God inspire your whole life. Be obedient.”

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To be obedient, the Congolese Catholic Bishops said, “is to accept God's plan; to renounce your own preferences. Don't get lost in personal projects.”

He emphasized the need for the Deacons-elect to “stay united to Christ. Without Jesus, we can do nothing.”

He invited the people of God to pray for the Deacons-elect so they can accomplish their mission.

The 25 Seminarians Ordained Deacons include Malu Mipur, Daniel Koubemba, Romain-Joël Kidingi Mungi, Ntay Sekesha Isaya, Justin Matand Mukeng, Espoir Gaspard Safari, Yves Serushago Nyunga from the Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCDs).

Others included Grâce Kakule Tegheka, Georges Kambale Mbogha, Jean-Baptiste Kambale, Gervais Kambale Ndambuko, Crispin Malidrale Mokili, Vianney Muhindo Isungu, Paulin Muhindo Lutsumbi, Jérémie Mumbere Ndakasi, Dieu Merci Paluku Kihembo, and Maurice Wombaraguema from the Augustinians of the Assumption (AA).


Seminarians Blaise Mulenge Mulenge and Ignace Kihuna Lumbu from the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Picpus Fathers), Nwafor Christian Chigozie, Nanasra Davidson, Michaël Adingulu Munene, and François-Xavier Makanda of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI), Frederic Nsasi Ngoma, and Jean-Fiston Mumbere of the Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross (O.S.C., Crosier Fathers).

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