
“Give people hope, be carriers of the good news”: Kenyan Bishop to Catholic Media at 5th Anniversary of ACI Africa

Bishop Wallace Ng’ang’a Gachihi, one of the three Auxiliary Bishops of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi, has called upon Catholic journalists and Christians to be bearers of the good news and to live out their faith by giving hope to others. 

In his homily during the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the Association for Catholic Information in Africa (ACI Africa), Bishop Wallace called for the recognition of the “crucial role” that Catholic media have “in spreading the news of salvation and giving people hope” and that “this is our mission.” 

The need for Catholic media to take the lead in disseminating messages that give hope is critical at a time when the mainstream secular media thrive in negativity. 

“Bad news often makes the headlines; but we can start with the good news before addressing other events in our surroundings,” Bishop Wallace said during the Friday, August 9 anniversary celebration at JJ McCarthy Centre of the Assumption Sisters of Nairobi (ASN).

Catholic media’s spearheading of the sharing of good news “makes a difference because we want to give people hope,” said the Kenyan Catholic Bishop, who serves as Chairman of the Commission for Social Communications of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB).


He encouraged the fostering of form of communication that is keen on reaching out “to those in need, interacting with them, even if not face-to-face.”

“Through different means of communication, we ask people for their views, their thoughts on what happened, how they are celebrating, and what celebrations they are having. We also keep people up to date with current events, ensuring they are informed,” Bishop Wallace said, 

The Kenyan Catholic Bishop, who was Consecrated Bishop on April 6 alongside Bishop Simon Peter Kamomoe went on to emphasize the virtue of humility in the process of communicating as exemplified by the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

“We will be effective communicators, good disseminators of the Good News, when we are humble, living our faith with wholehearted submission to God. When we do this, we will be able to share the right information with others, just as Mother Mary obeyed, even when she was not entirely sure of what she was saying ‘yes’ to,” he said during the ACI Africa anniversary Mass that anticipated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Blessed Virgin Mary is a “model” of communication for all Christians, Bishop Wallace said, and went on to recount how Mary, upon receiving the Good News, “did not keep it to herself but quickly shared it with others, bringing joy and hope to those she encountered.”

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He reiterated, “We are all called to be carriers of the Good News, just as Mother Mary was. This is not a task for media people alone; it is a mission for all of us by virtue of our baptism. After receiving the Good News, go out and share it with others.”

Bishop Wallace invited the people of God to examine their personal role in spreading the message of Christ, adding that their lives, actions, and interactions with others are powerful means of communication.

“You may not need to open a media house or write a book to spread the Good News,” he said, and added, “But by your way of life, you can be a living article, a television, or a radio that others can read, see, and hear.”

Bishop Wallace also lauded the Blessed Virgin Mary for exemplifying the best attitude in the face of life’s challenges.

Alluding to Mary’s trust in the Word of God that she sustained through faith and a life of prayer, Bishop Wallace said, “You and I are called to be men and women who pray, who obey, and who live a life of continuous prayer.”


“Whatever we do, let us always pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, starting with a prayer that God may be with us as we pass on the right information, exercising discretion and discernment,” the Kenyan Bishop, who was the main celebrant of the ACI Africa anniversary Mass said.

Bishop Wallace also highlighted the virtue of patience as important for Christians in their various professions. He said, “We must have the patience to endure, for in serving our Lord, we will encounter challenges.”

Since it was officially launched on 17 August 2019 to provide free and timely news reports on happenings in Africa from a Catholic perspective, ACI Africa has published over 11,000 news stories on each of its two websites, which include the English ( and French (, with 1.4 million users received. The news service has gathered more than 300,000 followers on social media and received over 60 million social media impressions on Facebook, X, and Instagram.

In his August 9 homily, Bishop Wallace congratulated ACI Africa for “this significant milestone.” 

He said it was worthwhile to celebrate ACI Africa’s five-year milestone. “Someone may ask why we are celebrating after just five years instead of waiting for a bigger milestone; but every moment of our lives should be a moment to thank God,” Bishop Wallace said.

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He emphasized the need to be thankful to God for all His graces manifested in the progress we make “no matter how small”.

“ACI Africa knows that within these five years, much has been accomplished, and that is worth celebrating,” the Chairman of KCCB’s Commission for Social Communications said. 

He prayed that God strengthens ACI Africa team to enable it to reach more people with the Good News. 

Jude Atemanke is a Cameroonian journalist with a passion for Catholic Church communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Buea in Cameroon. Currently, Jude serves as a journalist for ACI Africa.