
In Anniversary Speeches, Church Entities Laud ACI Africa for “amplifying” Church’s Voice, Exhibiting “professionalism”

In speeches during the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the Association for Catholic Information in Africa (ACI Africa), various Church entities have lauded the Kenya-based news service of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) in Africa for giving media visibility to the activities of the Church in Africa.

Speaking on behalf of the Pan-African Catholic Theology and Pastoral Network (PACTPAN), Sr. Jane Joan Kimathi acknowledged ACI Africa’s efforts in making complex theological and pastoral topics accessible to people at the grassroots.

“ACI Africa has been a key front to take all our information and to write a lot about the Pan-African Catholic Theology and Pastoral Network,” the PACTPAN Director of Programs said.

Sr. Jane Joan Kimathi

The Kenyan-born member of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherds (OLCGS) added that ACI Africa’s stories “convey important messages that people on the ground can truly understand.”


On his part, EWTN’s regional marketing manager for Africa, George Wirnkar, reflected on the period before the establishment of ACI Africa and the challenges that emerged, which made the realization of the continental news serve a “far-fetched reality”.

Mr. Wirnkar commended ACI Africa’s Editor in Chief, Fr. Don Bosco Onyalla, for facilitating the realization of what looked like an impossibility.

George Wirnkar

“Father Don Bosco not only showed that he had the academic skills that were required, but he has shown over the years that he has put Africa in a very prominent place in the map of news coverage in Africa and I would like to thank him,” he said.

The native of Cameroon, where he is based lauded ACI Africa for giving the people of God in Africa a voice, telling their own stories.

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“Until the lion has its storyteller, those who write the stories will always speak of the bravery of the hunter,” Mr. Wirnkar said, and explained, “I think until the Church finds its voice in a prominent and strong organization like ACI Africa, it will be the secular press that would always tell our stories.”

The secular media, he said, “would never talk about the schools that we run; about the people that find solace in our hospitals. They would always talk about the things that they think have gone wrong with the Church and for which the Church should be stoned.”

Mr. Wirnkar expressed gratitude to the Church in Kenya for hosting ACI Africa, and added, “I would like to congratulate Father Don Bosco and his team and the people of Kenya, who have given a place of refuge for ACI Africa, and to ask you all to continue to support Father Don Bosco and to continue to encourage him in his work.”

George Sunguh, who spoke on behalf of the Union of the African Catholic Press (UCAP), praised ACI Africa for sharing positive stories about the Church, stories that he said are often overlooked by conventional media.


“ACI Africa has made a very strong contribution in Church news on the continent,” the immediate former President of UCAP said, and added, “As a conventional media practitioner, I must confess there's very little that you can read about the Church in (Kenya’s) Daily Nation, The Standard; if you do, it is scandalous, never good news.”

George Sunguh

However, the Mombasa-based Managing Editor at Media Concept Limited, who serves as member of the Vatican’s Communication Commission of the Synod of Bishops since his appointment in 2022 said, “Catholic media is blazing the storm, giving us very good news that help grow our faith.”

Mr. Sunguh extended his congratulations to ACI Africa for its achievements over the past five years, saying, “You've done a lot during this short span, and may the good Lord bless you.”

Meanwhile, in a statement to ACI Africa on the sidelines of the August 9 anniversary celebration, members of the Pious Society of the Daughters of St. Paul (FSP/Pauline Sisters) in Africa lauded the EWTN news service in Africa for giving media visibility to pastoral activities.

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“ACI Africa has been at the service of Pastoral animation of the whole dynamism of Evangelisation of the Church in Africa throughout the five years of existence and has shared stories that inhabit the digital continent with Christian African Culture,” the statement by Sr. Olga Massango, the Nairobi-based FSP member in charge of the Marketing Department of the Paulines Publications Africa (PPA) reads in part.  

Sr. Olga adds, “ACI Africa is the vital brand of the life of Church in Africa participating in the Pauline Apostolate. You are Paul alive today because if St Paul was alive today (he) would be a journalist to bring the good news to the world of today with all the communication means of today.”

She describes ACI Africa’s fifth anniversary as “a great day for Africa” and shares her best wishes on behalf of FSP members, saying, “Happy Birthday, ACI Africa! We are proud of this Catholic news agency that was born just a month before Pope Francis' pastoral visit to Mozambique, Madagascar, and Mauritius.”

The Mozambican-born FSP member goes on to recall ACI Africa’s coverage of the 4-10 September 2019 Papal pastoral trip to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius. She says, “We can say that this apostolic visit strengthened the backbone of ACI Africa as it consistently broadcasted the coverage of this important event for the Church in Southern Africa.”

“Long live the Association of Catholic Information in Africa! Ever onward ACI Africa! Bring the charity of the Truth by telling the stories of evangelization of Africa, in Africa, and from Africa to the whole world,” Sr. Olga says in her message to ACI Africa on behalf of FSP members.

Representing the Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya (AOSK) during the August 9 celebration, Sr. Regina Nthenya said, “From the day of ACI’s launch, our program was among the first to be featured. ACI has consistently covered our efforts, reflecting the impact of our work in both the Church and the community.”

“We appreciate ACI Africa for partnering with AOSK and covering much of our work. Most of the programs have almost appeared in ACI Africa,” Sr. Regina added.

Sr. Regina Nthenya

The member of the Sisters of St. Joseph (SSJ) of the Catholic Archdiocese of Mombasa (SSJ) went on to acknowledge with caution the pervasiveness of social media forums that she said have become “a home, a family, and a church for many.”

Let’s “help rebuild the online space into one that encourages, validates, and promotes growth,” the Nairobi-based AOSK official said.

The Director of the Communication Network for Catholic Sisters (CNCS), Sr. Michelle Njeri, lauded ACI Africa for “amplifying the voices of Church and telling stories of social transformation.”

Sr. Michelle Njeri

“We are proud of ACI Africa and the good work you are doing. We pray for you today that God may continue to bless the good work you are doing and that we will continue working together,” Sr. Michelle said.

The Kenyan-born member of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (OSF) assured ACI Africa of CNCS collaboration and “support in communication.” She said, “You cannot work alone, so we are there to support you; we are there to collaborate together in the spirit of synodality.”

On her part, the Director of Waumini Radio of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), Sr. Adelaide Felicitas Ndilu, commended ACI Africa for what she described as “professionalism” and “quality” apostolate.

Sr. Adelaide Felicitas Ndilu

“We are grateful for the great milestone that his publication has been able to do. Thank you, ACI for your professionalism. It is great. Thank you for the quality of your work. Thank you for analyzing stories to the very core,” Sr. Adelaide said.

The Kenyan-born member of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) emphasized the important role of Catholic media in providing stories of “hope” and “encouragement”, and contrasted them with the focus on negativity common with secular mainstream media.

“We are happy that as Catholic media, we give the stories of hope, stories of encouragement. We listen to commercial media and all about discouragement. Thanks to the Church media, we are able to tell stories of hope and we encourage ourselves,” Director of Waumini Radio, who also serves as the National Executive Secretary of KCCB’s Commission for Social Communications since her appointment in February 2020 said.

She added, “We are happy to continue this work joyfully, and with God's strength, we pray that He continues to enlighten ACI Africa in the good work you are doing, so that you may continue to do it well.”

ACI Africa was founded in 2019. We provide free, up-to-the-minute news affecting the Catholic Church in Africa, giving particular emphasis to the words of the Holy Father and happenings of the Holy See, to any person with access to the internet. ACI Africa is proud to offer free access to its news items to Catholic dioceses, parishes, and websites, in order to increase awareness of the activities of the universal Church and to foster a sense of Catholic thought and culture in the life of every Catholic.