
“Embrace the cross of Jesus Christ with love”: Apostolic Nuncio to Newly Ordained Claretians in Cameroon

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The representative of the Holy Father in Cameroon has encouraged the three members of the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (CMF/Claretians) who he ordained to embrace the cross of Jesus Christ with love, a calling that he said lies at the heart of the Claretian mission.

In his homily during the priestly ordination of Deacons Norbert Doulanni, Wilson Tim Ankiambom, and Albert Pascal Noah, Archbishop José Avelino Bettencourt reminded the three that their vocation as sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary involves a deep dedication to spreading the flames of Christ's love throughout the world. 

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“This passion for Christ and Mary is to be your driving force in life. You are called to embrace the cross of Jesus Christ with love, to follow Him closely, and to preach the salvation of Jesus to all humanity,” Archbishop Bettencourt said during the August 9 Eucharistic celebration that was held at St. Charles Lwanga Nkolbisson Parish of the Catholic Archdiocese of Yaoundé.

The Portuguese Vatican diplomat, who also represents the Holy Father in Equatorial Guinea highlighted the high standards expected of the Priests-elect, noting that their mission requires them to be both “rooted in Christ and audacious in their service.”


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He encouraged them to remain in close communion with Christ through prayer, liturgical celebrations, devotions, and a life fully dedicated to Him.

Archbishop Bettencourt invited those he was about to ordain to live an extraordinary life of service, echoing the eternal and unchanging doctrine of the Church. 

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“Remember, the doctrine of the Church remains unchanged, as Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You are called to be perseverant, faithful, and generous in your service,” the Apostolic Nuncio in Cameroon said.

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He reassured the Deacons not to be afraid  despite the challenges he said lay ahead of them.

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“We are aware of the many tribulations the Congregation has endured throughout its history,” the Archbishop said.

He continued, “We remember how your predecessors gave holy witness to Christ, persevering and enduring even to martyrdom.”

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“Do not be afraid, for the Lord is with us. He does not forsake us. The Scriptures remind us that His presence is the eternal voice of God,” the member of the Clergy of Canada’s Ottawa-Cornwall Archdiocese said. 

The Archbishop congratulated the families and communities who nurtured the vocations of the three Deacons, expressing gratitude for their role in their spiritual formation.

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Archbishop Bettencourt implored, “May the Priests and Deacons renew their commitment to the Church and Christ, and may the faithful baptized commit to supporting the ministry of the ordained. May the Claretian Congregation continue to be a flame of testimony and love in the world.”

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Also speaking during the August 10 Eucharistic celebration, the Major Superior of Claretians in Cameroon, Fr. Jude Thaddeus Langeh expressed profound gratitude to the Nuncio for his support and recognition of their missionary work.

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Fr. Langeh said the ordination of the three Priests was a significant milestone for the Claretian community in Cameroon. 

He congratulated the newly ordained Priests, emphasizing that such celebrations are not just occasions for giving thanks but also moments to reflect on the journey so far and to plan for the future.

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"A celebration like this is not only an opportunity to give thanks, but it also offers us the chance to reflect, with a view to re-examining our direction, so as to clearly chart the path that should be followed and to make resolutions for the future," he said.

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Fr. Langeh implored, "May the Lord, to whom this work belongs, give us the grace and strength to hold the banner of the Gospel high, in His name and for His name." 

Jude Atemanke is a Cameroonian journalist with a passion for Catholic Church communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Buea in Cameroon. Currently, Jude serves as a journalist for ACI Africa.