
14 Newly Ordained Deacons in Angola Cautioned against Straying from “path of righteousness”

Credit: Catholic Diocese of Ondjiva

Bishop Pio Hipunyati of the Catholic Diocese of Ondjiva in Angola has urged the 14 Seminarians he ordained Deacons to remain steadfast in their commitment to God and their service to the Church, cautioning them against straying from the “path of righteousness.”

In his homily during the August 10 diaconate ordination, Bishop Hipunyati emphasized the sacred responsibility that comes with the ordination, calling on the Deacons-elect to give themselves generously and joyfully to God and their communities.

“Do not stray from the path of righteousness, and as the diaconal ordination rite reminds us, believe what you read, teach what you believe, and live what you teach,” the Angolan Catholic Bishop said during the event that was held at the courtyard of Our Lady of Victory Cathedral of Ondjiva Diocese.

He added, “You must give yourselves generously and joyfully to God and your brothers. You are to be and act as ministers, consecrated to God and sent to work in the Lord's vineyard.”

Bishop Hipunyati reminded the Seminarians he was about to Ordain that the Diaconate is not a position of honor or prestige but one of service and self-sacrifice. 


“The Diaconate is not about titles, grandeur, or vanity; it is about selfless service, and the imitation of Christ, who came not to be served but to serve and to give His life for others. The Deacon is a sign and symbol of Christ the Servant,” he said.

Bishop Hipunyati also emphasized the commitment that comes with the Diaconate, urging the Deacons-elect to serve their brothers with “all their strength, will, energy, love, and the knowledge they acquired over many years of formation.”

The Catholic Church leader went on to outline the specific duties and limitations of the Diaconate, noting that while Deacons do not celebrate Mass, hear confessions, or administer certain Sacraments, they are called to serve the people of God with dedication.

“Deacons assist the Bishops and Priests in celebrating the Divine Mysteries, especially the Eucharist, distributing communion, blessing marriages, proclaiming and explaining the Gospel, presiding over funerals, and dedicating themselves to various services and charitable assistance in the community,” he said.

Regarding the vow of chastity, Bishop Hipunyati said, “Deacons are called to live a life of celibacy as a testament to their undivided commitment to God.”

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“Deacons are obliged to maintain perfect and perpetual continence for the love of the Kingdom of Heaven. This means that Deacons do not marry, nor do they take girlfriends or concubines. They are bound to celibacy, which is a special gift of God's grace, enabling them to adhere more faithfully to Christ and dedicate themselves more freely to the service of God and humanity,” Bishop Hipunyati explained.

He further clarified that celibacy is not merely an ecclesiastical law but a personal commitment made freely before God. 

“Celibacy is not a mere law imposed arbitrarily by the Church; it is a free and personal commitment before God. It is a response to the divine gift by which one renounces possessive human love to adhere to the love of God,” the Local Ordinary of Ondjiva said.

Bishop Hipunyati expressed joy at the historic nature of the event, noting that it was the first time the Diocese of Ondjiva had witnessed the ordination of 14 Deacons. 

He however acknowledged the vast needs of the diocese and called on young people to consider the call to religious life.


“To you, dear young people here, imitate these young men. Let them serve as examples for you. Do not harden your hearts; give your response to Jesus’ call. Do not find excuses or justifications to decline the invitation Jesus extends to you,” the Angolan Catholic Bishop said.

He implored, “Let us ask the Lord to continue to inspire our Diocesan community with the grace of vocations to Holy Orders, Religious Consecration, and Matrimony.”

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.