
Bissau-Guinean Catholic Nun Appointed Secretary General of Pontifical Society for Missionary Childhood

Sr. Inês Paulo Albino

Pope Francis has appointed Sr. Inês Paulo Albino of the Institute of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ (ASC) as the new Secretary General of the Pontifical Society for Missionary Childhood (PMC).

The appointment of Sr. Inês, who has been serving as Counsellor and Bursar for the Italian Region of her Congregation was made public on August 24.

Born on 25 April 1969 in Bula, Guinea-Bissau, Sr. Paulo Albino made her Perpetual Profession as ASC member on 14 September 1997.

The alumnus of the Rome-based Pontifical Gregorian University, where she obtained a License in Biblical Theology has previously served in various capacities including Pastoral Coordinator at the Parish of Santa Maria de Mattias in Ingoré and Director of the National Directorate of the Pontifical Missionary Works in Guinea-Bissau.

She has also served in the fields of evangelization, catechesis, teaching, and youth apostolate.


Sr. Inês is set to succeed Sr. Roberta Tremarelli, who was been at the helm of PMC as Secretary General since 2017.

The Pontifical Society of the Holy Childhood, also known as Missionary Childhood, operates in more than 130 countries, according to its website.

The mission of the pontifical society, represented by the motto “children praying for children, children evangelizing children, children helping children worldwide,” supports children globally.

The Society aims to help children develop a missionary spirit and leadership; it also encourages them to share their faith and material resources, especially with children in need.

Through these actions, the Society also promotes and supports missionary vocations, particularly ad gentes, on the mission activity of the Church, as a means to foster faith.

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The Association of the Holy Childhood works to “stimulate a movement towards God” and uncover the apostolic potential in children. It seeks to create a sense of belonging by encouraging children to take on responsibilities and helping them feel part of a family where every contribution matters.

The PMC website indicates that by providing an avenue for growth in faith and involvement in missionary work, the Pontifical Society remains committed to fostering personal and communal engagement among children.

The goal is to build a foundation for future vocations and a sense of unity among youths in their mission of faith and service.

Silas Mwale Isenjia is a Kenyan journalist with a great zeal and interest for Catholic Church related communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics, Media and Communication from Moi University in Kenya. Silas has vast experience in the Media production industry. He currently works as a Journalist for ACI Africa.