
South Sudan’s Presidency “reaches consensus” on Two-year Transitional Government Extension, Adjourn Polls to 2026

President Salva Kiir of South Sudan. Credit: Office of the Presidency of South Sudan

The Presidency of South Sudan has agreed to extend the mandate of the country’s transitional government of national unity by two more years, and to adjourn the general elections that had been slated for this December to 2026. 

In a statement issued on September 13, the South Sudan Presidency has the Presidential Adviser on National Security, Hon. Tut Gatluak, lauding the extension decision as beneficial to the process of implementing the September 2018 Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS).

Addressing journalists, Hon. Gatluak is said to have described the extension as “an opportunity to implement the critical remaining protocols in R-ARCSS, such as the permanent constitution process, census, and the registration of political parties.”

The September 13 statement has South Sudan’s Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Dr. Martin Elia Lomuro, saying that the extension is in “response to the recommendations from both electoral institutions and the security sector.”

Dr. Lomuro is also cited as saying that vital tasks required for a smooth electoral process are incomplete, necessitating the delay ahead of the completion of what the Presidency’s statement describes as “essential tasks before the polls”.


In the statement, Dr. Lomuro is quoted reassuring South Sudanese of continued operations of the government “during this extended period”.

“The Minister further stressed that the government will not be dissolved and will continue to function as usual while the institutions work to finalize their provisions,” the September 13 statement reads in part.

“The Presidency also emphasizes that the remaining months of the current transitional period will be utilized to mobilize funds, aimed at the effective implementation of the revitalized peace agreement,” the statement further indicates, with Dr. Lomuro adding that the mobilization of funds is “crucial for achieving long-term peace and stability in the country.”

South Sudan’s Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU) was formed in February 2020 in line with R-ARCSS.

The world’s newest country that gained independence from Sudan in July 2011 and plunged into civil war in December 2013 had scheduled general elections before February 2023. 

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An agreement between the RTGoNU and the opposition was to postpone the elections to late 2024. Another postponement was reported, “owing to the continual delays in implementing crucial aspects of the 2018 peace agreement.”

In a July 3 interview with the Catholic Radio Network (CRN), Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of South Sudan’s Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambia (CDTY) lamented that an extension of the mandate and general elections would only serve to prolong the “suffering of the people” of God in the country.

“For the last four years, there has not been proper work in the country; not so much service has been done,” Bishop Hiiboro lamented in the interview reported on July 4.

He added, “If you’re extending that period there must be a promise that the market will change tomorrow, people will have basics to feed on and necessary services they need for themselves.”

The South Sudanese Catholic Bishop, who serves as the President of the Integral Human Development Commission of the Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SCBC) also argued that an extension would “give us humble time to prepare the people before the election comes.”


On June 29, SCBC members called upon the South Sudanese government to seal all security loopholes and prepare adequately for the country’s elections that had been scheduled for December 2024.

In a statement issued at the end of their June 27-29 meeting in the Catholic Archdiocese of Juba, members of SCBC said, “South Sudan is not truly at peace. While there is no serious fighting between major armed groups, sub-national violence is taking place in many parts of the country.”

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