He continues, “In any situation, whether one of joy, peace, and consolation or of sorrow and anguish, people are always searching for and reaffirming their hope.”
“A distinctive element of Christians is that they have a future: not that they know in detail what awaits them, but they know in general that their life does not end in emptiness. Those who have hope live differently; they have been given new life,” the 59-year-old Catholic Bishop, who has been at the helm of Mindelo Diocese since his Episcopal Ordination in April 2011 says.
He invites the people of God to “continue on the path of actively listening to the Word of God (to know better who Jesus Christ is), a Word translated into prayer, a Word that forms and builds.”
The member of the Clergy of Lisbon in Portugal further says, “It is urgent that we become aware of those who walk discouraged beside us or knock on our door, thirsty for love and joy. Thus, being a welcoming and open Church to all and finding ways to accompany those who have lost faith in life and the future is our challenge.”
He emphasizes, “A world without God is a world without hope. In this sense, the pastoral plan must include broad involvement of pastors, religious, and laity, to accompany people and groups (youth, families).”
In the September 17 pastoral letter, Bishop dos Santos highlights initiatives planned for the coming years, with a focus on fostering community engagement and spiritual growth.
While the Diocesan Pastoral Coordination Commission (CCPD) is finalizing a comprehensive Pastoral Plan, the Local Ordinary of Mindelo outlines key highlights of upcoming events and programs.
One of the anticipated events is the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Rome, scheduled for July and August 2025, which will include visits to several important shrines.
“This pilgrimage reflects the spiritual journey of the faithful, much like the pilgrimage of St. Ignatius of Loyola, who saw hope as a way of traveling towards God’s love and truth. The bishop encouraged the faithful to adopt a hope mode as they advance along the Lord’s paths,” he says.
Another event will be the Diocesan Youth Assembly in 2027, which seeks to empower young Catholics to become more active in the Church’s mission.