
Church Expects “abundant fruits of holiness”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Newly Ordained Priests, Deacons

Credit: Catholic Diocese of Viana

The people of God put their trust and hope in those being admitted to Holy Orders, expecting them to bear “abundant fruits of holiness,” Bishop Emílio Sumbelelo of the Catholic Diocese of Viana in Angola has said. 

In his homily during the October 6 Ordination of four new Priests and seven Deacons, Bishop Sumbelelo urged the Deacons-elect and the Priests-elect to embrace the Sacrament of Holy Orders with a sense of responsibility.

“Today, the entire Church of Viana gives thanks to God and prays with you, placing great trust and hope in your future, expecting abundant fruits of holiness and good work from your Priestly ministry,” he said during the Eucharistic celebration at St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral of Viana Diocese.

The Angolan Catholic Bishop added, “The Diocese of Viana, poor in human resources, counts on you, relies heavily on you.”

Bishop Sumbelelo also called on the candidates of Holy Orders to be ever mindful of the spiritual needs of those to be placed under their pastoral care, encouraging them to become aware of the gifts God has given them.


“The Church needs each one of you, conscious of the gifts that God offers you,” he said, and emphasized their role in helping the faithful encounter Christ and receiving “new and eternal life, true freedom, and complete joy.”

The 60-year-old Catholic Bishop, who started his Episcopal Ministry in February 2007 as Coadjutor Bishop of Angola’s Uije Catholic Diocese further encouraged the Priests-elect and Deacons-elect to find their strength in the daily celebration of the Holy Eucharist. 

To be worthy ministers, he said, “you must constantly nourish yourselves from the Eucharist, the source and summit of Christian life. By approaching the altar, your daily school of holiness, you will increasingly discover the richness and tenderness of the love of the Divine Master.”

“If you listen to Him with docility, if you follow Him faithfully, you will learn to translate His love and passion for the salvation of souls into your life and pastoral ministry,” the Catholic Church leader said.

He continued, “Each one of you will become, with the help of Jesus Christ, a good shepherd, ready to give, if necessary, your life for Him.”

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Bishop Sumbelelo went on to explain the role of a ministerial Priesthood, saying, “The Priest must be a mediator between God and men, following the example of Jesus, who is also the high priest.”

“Priests are called to offer the Word of God, dispense mercy, and nourish the community in the Eucharist,” he further said, adding, “The mission of the Priest, according to the Sacred Ordination, is to act as a mediator between God and the community, conforming himself to Christ, the High Priest.”

In this sense, the Angolan Catholic Bishop continued, “Priests are called to serve the people of God by celebrating the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and offering spiritual guidance and pastoral support.”

“Priests are chosen by God and receive the responsibility of caring for souls, helping to restore men's relationship with God; they are called to carry out their duties with humility, charity, and dedication, living out the call to holiness and the service of the Gospel,” Bishop Sumbelelo said during the October 6 Ordination celebration.

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.