
“Faith Unites Us”: Cape Verdean Catholic Bishop on What Keeps Diaspora Communities Glued Together

Credit: Diocese of Mindelo

Bishop Ildo Augusto dos Santos Lopes Fortes of the Catholic Diocese of Mindelo in Cape Verde has emphasized the unifying power of faith within the Cape Verdean diaspora community.

In an interview with Vatican News following Holy Mass in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, the patroness of Cape Verdeans in Rome, Bishop dos Santos recounted how faith and religious traditions remain a cornerstone of identity for Cape Verdeans living abroad.

“The faith factor is what can unite our people the most. Wherever they go, if there's one thing Cape Verdeans take with them, it's their faith and traditions,” the Portuguese-born Catholic Bishop said in the interview that was published on Tuesday, October 15.

Bishop dos Santos shared how the devotion of Cape Verdean emigrants is a testament to their sense of belonging, even in foreign lands. “It’s always a gratifying moment because our people in the diaspora have a great veneration and appreciation for their pastors, and they feel that we are theirs and they are ours. So, it’s as if they belong to another island—an eleventh island of Cape Verde,” he said.

The 59-year-old Catholic Bishop, who has been at the helm of Mindelo Diocese since his Episcopal Ordination in April 2011 urged Cape Verdean Catholics to cherish their religious traditions, noting that such practices keep them connected to their roots. 


“Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated here in Rome, just as St. Catherine is celebrated in Switzerland, and St. John in Brockton. Maintaining these traditions is a way of feeling connected to our homeland,” he said.

The member of the Clergy of Lisbon in Portugal further encouraged the Cape Verdean community to use the celebration as a moment for spiritual renewal.

“Dear friends, may this feast of Our Lady of the Rosary be an opportunity for renewal of faith and renewal of community. When you meet, in whatever circumstances, allow yourselves to be renewed by the Lord,” he said.

Reflecting on his own connection to the diaspora community, Bishop dos Santos expressed his joy at being able to support Cape Verdean communities abroad, saying, “It’s a pleasure to be with them. These moments foster unity among our people.”

He also expressed hope for the future, saying, “I hope this deep connection between our faith and our people remains strong, both at home and abroad.”

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João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.