
Seminarians in Angola Urged to Embrace Discipline, Prayer as Foundations of Christian Life

Bishop Firmino David of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Sumbe has underscored the importance of discipline and prayer in the life of Seminarians undergoing formation to become Priests.

Addressing the Seminarians during the opening of the 2024/2025 academic year at St. Charles Lwanga Major Seminary Sumbe, Bishop Firmino noted that an undisciplined Seminarian cannot truly consider himself a Christian.

“An undisciplined Seminarian defiles the Church, the places and institutions where he has gone. Everyone has this theory that the best Seminarian is the one who is disciplined,” the Angolan Catholic Bishop said on Monday, October 14.

In his address, Bishop Firmino emphasized the importance of prayer in the life of Seminarians, saying, “The Seminarian must be passionate about prayer. After all this come other elements. Discipline is the center of everything. There's no point distinguishing between them.”

He further advised against last-minute cramming for exams, encouraging consistent study from day one.


The 61-year-old Catholic Bishop, who started his Episcopal Ministry last July following his appointment on 4 May 2023 further told the Seminarians, “Your parents, your communities, your Dioceses know that you went to the seminary to study.”

On his part, Fr. Evaristo Cayungo, the Secretary of the Major Seminary, outlined the challenges of forming 106 Seminarians from various dioceses, focusing on both their material and intellectual needs. 

“This year, the seminary has 106 Seminarians, 31 of whom are in their first year, 28 in their second year, and 47 in their third year. They are Seminarians from the various Dioceses and Archdioceses of Angola,” Fr. Cayungo said.

The Angolan Catholic listed various challenges that formation places in the country face, ranging from struggles in feeding the Seminarians.

He said that the seminaries “trust in divine providence.”

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“We trust in the support, the contributions of the parishes, the contributions of families,” he said, adding that despite the challenges, Seminarians are “a great asset” for the Church in Angola.

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.