A long journey to Lourdes
Against the pleas of his wife, doctors, and several priests, Traynor insisted upon joining a parish-led pilgrimage to Lourdes from Liverpool from July 22–27, 1923.
Traynor wrote in his testimony that he “succeeded in being bathed nine times in the water from the grotto spring,” despite being desperately ill in the first three days of the trip and facing much resistance from his caretakers.
On the second day of the trip, Traynor recalled suffering a severe epileptic fit while being wheeled to the baths. “Blood flowed from my mouth and the doctors were very much alarmed,” he said. When the doctors attempted to bring him back to his lodgings, Traynor refused, pulling the brakes on his wheelchair with his good hand.
“They took me into the bath and bathed me in the usual way. I never had an epileptic fit after that,” he said in his testimony.
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The next day, Traynor went again to the baths — while he was bathing, he recalled his legs becoming “violently agitated” and feeling as though he had regained use of them. Since he was due to return for a Eucharistic procession, Traynor’s caretakers — who believed he was having another fit — rushed him to Rosary Church.
When the archbishop of Rheims passed him by with the Blessed Sacrament, Traynor’s arm too became “violently agitated,” and he broke through his bandages and made the sign of the cross for the first time in eight years.
The next morning, Traynor leapt from his bed and ran to the grotto.
“My mother had always taught me that when you ask a favor from Our Lady or wish to show her some special veneration you should make a sacrifice,” Traynor recalled. “I had no money to offer, as I had spent my last few shillings on rosaries and medals for my wife and children, but kneeling there before the Blessed Mother, I made the only sacrifice I could think of: I resolved to give up cigarettes.”
On the morning of July 27, Traynor was examined by three doctors who found he had regained his ability to walk perfectly, as well as full use and function of his right arm and legs. The sores on his body had healed completely and his fits had ceased. Remarkably, an opening in his skull that was created during one of his surgeries had also “diminished considerably.”
One of the official reports issued by the Medical Bureau at Lourdes on Oct. 2, 1926 — later discovered by Moriarty — states that Traynor’s “extraordinary cure is absolutely beyond and above the powers of nature.”
Traynor went on to have three children after receiving his cure, one of whom is called Bernadette. He is believed to be the first British Catholic to be cured at Lourdes, according to the shrine’s website.
Madalaine Elhabbal is a staff reporter for Catholic News Agency based at EWTN’s Washington, D.C., bureau. She has been published by CatholicVote and has also worked as foreign language assistant in France. She is a graduate of Benedictine College.