Cardinal Tolentino recalled the words of Pope St. John Paul II during his visit to Angola in June 1992, saying, “Dedicate your lives to worthy and just causes. Build a homeland rooted in authentic human and Christian values. Build something meaningful. Love one another and help each other, with special attention to the poor.”
The Vatican-based Cardinal, who was guest of honor at the anniversary celebration said the words of Pope St. John Paul II reflect the vision that inspired the foundation of UCAN, which was established in 1999 with 350 students and 14 lecturers.
He paid tribute to Alexandre Cardinal do Nascimento, the late Archbishop of Luanda who played a key role in founding of the Catholic institution of higher learning.
“Cardinal Nascimento was a remarkable figure, not only for his work in Angola, particularly in the Archdiocese of Luanda, but also in shaping contemporary Angola. Internationally, within the Universal Church, he was a key figure in Caritas Internationalis, a priest, a humanist, a thinker who greatly contributed to the Church of his time,” the Portuguese-born Cardinal said.
Reflecting on UCAN’s journey over the past 25 years, Cardinal Tolentino underscored the need for continued investment to realize “high-quality university education”.
“A quarter of a century later, we see that the commitment was worth it. We must keep investing, ensuring high-quality university education, forming competent professionals in various fields, and shaping citizens who are sensitive to the need to build the common good, social justice, and progress in a spirit of fraternity and peace,” he said.
The Vatican Cardinal reaffirmed the Church’s commitment to education, saying, “25 years ago, through UCAN, the Angolan Church answered God’s call through history and human needs. The Church unconditionally chose dialogue and service.”
He called for strengthened collaboration to sustain UCAN’s mission. “The Church needs everyone’s help and cooperation to continue its development. How important it would be if all partners maintained the enthusiasm for the project, the passion for the educational mission, the trust, and dedication that characterized its founding,” he said.
The Cardinal also urged Angolans to remain united, saying, “Differences should be attributes that enrich and bring diversity to the Angolan people, not reasons for division and discord. Be a united people; build one nation where all can consider themselves brothers and sisters.”
In his homily, Cardinal Tolentino expressed gratitude for the Angolan Church’s commitment to human formation, in line with the teachings of the Universal Church.