
At Diaconate Ordination, Catholic Bishop in Nigeria Cautions against “the word of modern culture”

Credit: Ahiara Diocese

Newly ordained Deacons in Nigeria’s Catholic Diocese of Ahiara have been cautioned against popular values of the contemporary society.

In his homily during the Diaconate Ordination of 10 Seminarians at Mater Ecclesiae Cathedral of his Episcopal See on March 1, Bishop Simeon Okezuo Nwobi urged the Deacons-elect to stand guided by the values of truth that can bring about “salvation and new life. 

“My dear sons, yours will be a service of the Word, not the word of modern culture, which all too often leads those who follow that word down paths of comfort, expediency, and convenience. No, yours is a service of the eternal word of truth, salvation, and new life,” Bishop Okezuo said.

He added, “You will now have the authority to teach and to preach the burning Word of God with authority and mission. You will teach now in the name of the Church, and so you must do this with the profound recognition that what you teach is not yours, but Christ’s truth.”

“You must teach to be aware that what you teach is passed on with integrity and fullness, never watering down the Faith, but presenting it in ways that are concise, complete, and consistent with the Magisterium of the Church,” he said.


The Nigerian member of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (CMF) also called upon the Deacons-elect to know that the Church counts on their unwavering dedication and invaluable service they are called to render to the community

“You will encounter from time to time, of course, a resistance to the message of the Gospel – they are awash in the Social Media platforms; but, in our society, you may sense in your listeners an inability to receive the Word – a resistance to the Spirit,” Bishop Okezuo said.

The sensing, he said, “may be difficult for you and sometimes confusing for you as well, but you must attend to this great service with dedication and tireless zeal, never surrendering to the temptation to speak only what people want to hear or to do so with inappropriate clichés and less than useful and irrelevant humour or examples.”

He went on to encourage the Deacons-elect to preach with courage, authenticity, and conviction, adding that courage and conviction result from first hearing and receiving God’s word themselves and then offering it as food for spiritually hungry people, who look to the Church for a deeper encounter with Christ.

“Preach from your heart and teach what you have learned, and you will find a power that comes not from you, but from the Holy Spirit, who will be speaking through you,” the Nigerian Catholic leader, who started his Episcopal Ministry in December 2023 as Auxiliary Bishop of Ahiara Diocese told the Deacons-elect. 

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He urged them to conduct themselves with profound reverence and humility, aware and keen on understanding of their actions.

Bishop Okezuo also called upon the Deacons-elect to approach their duties with purpose, emphasizing that by doing so, they will assist Priests in offering the Sacred Sacrifice worthily and prayerfully and guide the community toward authentic worship.

In his homily, the Catholic Bishop also reminded the Deacons-elect of their service of justice and charity, saying, “You should never lose this call of service; and when, God willing, you are called to the Priesthood, you will bring with you, a lifelong order to serve in the manner of Jesus.”

Silas Mwale Isenjia is a Kenyan journalist with a great zeal and interest for Catholic Church related communication. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics, Media and Communication from Moi University in Kenya. Silas has vast experience in the Media production industry. He currently works as a Journalist for ACI Africa.