
Mission Sunday: Catholic Bishop in Angola Urges PMC to “be authentic missionaries”

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has urged members of the Diocesan Pontifical Missionary Childhood (PMC) to be engaged in the mission of the Church as “authentic missionaries”.

In his World Mission Sunday homily at St. Anna Cathedral of his Episcopal See on October 22, Bishop Camuto told PMC members, “The Church praises your work, the Church recognizes your work for children.”

“Try to be authentic missionaries; teach the Gospel, teach the Word of God to your friends. As they say: you must be evangelizers of other children, you must be missionaries of other children; proclaim the Gospel to other children,” he said.

Reaching out to others with the Gospel message, Bishop Camuto further said, “is your mission. Try to fulfill this mission with all your zeal, with all your courage, with all your strength, because Jesus Christ is with you, Jesus Christ is at your side, Jesus who is your friend, our friend, he is with you on this mission; he will accompany you.”

“Our faith must not lead us to close in on ourselves; we have to see how the world is. We have to see how society is; we have to see how our brothers and sisters are, what difficulties they face, what problems they face,” the Angolan member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (CSSp.), also known as the Spiritans or Holy Ghost Fathers, said.


“We have to be attentive Christians,” he further said, and continued, “There are many children who are not studying because their parents don't have the means to pay for school, to pay for their studies.”

Bishop Camuto went on to caution against indifference, saying, “We can't close ourselves off, we have to think about all these children who are suffering.”

“Let's think of all these children; let's pray for them, so that God can enlighten the eyes of the rulers, the hearts of the rulers, so that they know how to do everything, so that they can sacrifice themselves so that the children go to school, so that the children can study, because it is on them that the future depends, it is on them that our future, the future of Angola, depends,” he said.

João Vissesse is an Angolan Journalist with a passion and rich experience in Catholic Church Communication and Media Apostolate.