
Bishop John Mbinda

“Very encouraging”: Austrian Catholic Bishop Lauds Children’s Active Participation in Holy Mass in Lodwar Diocese, Kenya

Feb 26, 2025

The active participation of children in the Eucharistic celebration in Kenya’s Catholic Diocese of Lodwar is a source of encouragement, Bishop Stephan Turnovszky from Austria has said. 

Bishop John Mbinda of Kenya’s Catholic Diocese of Lodwar. Credit: Catholic Diocese of Lodwar

Kenya’s Government “must urgently review” Inflated Work Permit Charges for Foreign Missionaries: Catholic Bishop

Sep 16, 2024

The government of Kenya needs to “urgently review” foreign missionaries’ work permit charges that it inflated by 1,000 percent, from KES 15,000.00 (approx. US$ 150.00) to KES 150,000 (US$ 1,500.00), a Catholic Bishop in the East African nation has appealed. 

The nine newly ordained Kenyan-born members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers/CSSp.). Credit: ACI Africa

Newly Ordained Kenyan-born Spiritan Priests Look Back at “long journey” of Priestly Formation, Say Ready for Mission

Jun 16, 2024

The nine newly ordained Kenyan-born members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers/CSSp.) have recalled their “long journey” of formation to Priestly and Religious life, and expressed their readiness to report to the mission to which the Rome-based leadership of the 321-year-old Missionary Order has commissioned them.

Bishop John Mbinda of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar in Kenya presiding over the Priestly Ordination of nine Spiritans at St. Austin's Msongari Parish of Kenya’s Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi (ADN). Credit: ACI Africa

“Understand your calling, live it to the full”: Catholic Bishop to Newly Ordained Kenyan-born Spiritan Priests

Jun 14, 2024

The nine newly ordained Kenyan-born members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/CSSp.) have been called upon to understand and embrace their calling to the Religious and Priestly ministry and strive to “live it to the full”.

Privileged “to be an integral part” of Catholic Church Growth in South Sudan: Spiritan Superior General on Anniversary

Apr 30, 2024

It is a “privilege” for members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans/Holy Ghost Fathers) to be part of the South Sudan mission as the people of God in the world’s newest country embrace and grow in Christian faith, the Superior General of the 321-year-old Religious and Missionary Order has said.

Let’s Foster Unity “we celebrated with visit of the Pope”: Apostolic Nuncio at Holy Mass in Rumbek Diocese, South Sudan

Apr 29, 2024

The Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya and South Sudan has recalled the theme of the first-ever Papal visit to South Sudan, and called on the people of God in the East-Central African nation to foster unity.

“We’re universal, international”: Apostolic Nuncio Highlights Catholic Meaning on Arrival in Rumbek Diocese, South Sudan

Apr 27, 2024

The fact that the Catholic Church has a global membership, making it universal and international, is a “beautiful thing”, the representative of the Holy Father in Kenya and South Sudan, Archbishop Hubertus van Megen, has said.

Kainuk Cross Border Peace Eucharistic celebration. Credit: Catholic Diocese of Lodwar

Prejudice, Blame Game Fomenting Inter-Ethnic Violence among Kenya’s Pokot, Turkana: Bishop

Mar 11, 2024

Prejudice and blame game are among vices fomenting violent confrontations between members of the Pokot and Turkana communities in Kenya, Bishop John Mbinda of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar has said. 

Bishop Paul Kariuki Njiru of Wote Diocese in Kenya (left) and Bishop John Mbinda of Kenya's Lodwar Diocese (right) display a demo version of the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan for the Holy  Ghost Schools - Makueni in Wote Diocese on 10 February 2024. Credit: ACI Africa

At Spiritan School Anniversary in Kenya, Bishop Emphasizes Evaluation, Strategic Planning

Feb 13, 2024

Tracing the journey covered in institutional initiatives through evaluation and having in place a strategic plan are important activities that combine well with thanksgiving to God for His graces in life, Bishop John Mbinda of Kenya's Catholic Diocese of Lodwar has said. 

PMC Members “pillars” of Vocations to Religious Life: Pontifical Mission Official in Kenya

Feb 8, 2024

Members of the Pontifical Missionary Children (PMC), a society founded on the motto “children helping children” that aims to the Catholic faith to children from 0-14 years, are a key source of and strength to vocations to Priestly and Religious Life, an official of the   Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Kenya has said.  

PMS Directors and PMC Coordinators from Kenyan Dioceses at the ongoing Annual General Meeting (AGM)  in Nairobi, Kenya. Credit: ACI Africa

At PMS Kenya Annual Meeting, Bishop Calls for Contemporary “effective evangelizers”

Feb 7, 2024

The contemporary world needs “effective evangelizers”, Bishop John Mbinda of Kenya’s Lodwar Diocese has told officials of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in the East African nation.

Bishop Henry Juma Odonya (center) of Kitale Diocese flanked by Bishop John Mbinda of Lodwar (left) and Bishop Cleophas Oseso Tuka (right) of Nakuru Diocese  following a Holy Mass to pray for peace at Kapedo. Credit: KCCB

Catholic Bishops Call for Concerted Efforts in Finding Peace in North Rift Kenya

Sep 28, 2023

A section of Catholic Bishops in Kenya are calling for concerted efforts to find lasting peace in the country’s North Rift region which has been hit by security challenges caused by violent conflicts involving cattle rustling among pastoralist groups.

Bishop John Mbinda presenting the Book of the Gospels to newly ordained Deacons. Credit: ACI Africa

Let’s Be “professional” in Preparing Homilies: Catholic Bishop in Kenya to New Deacons

Sep 17, 2023

There is need for members of the Clergy to prepare their homilies, handling their ministry in a “professional” way as they feed the people of God with the word of God, Bishop John Mbinda of Kenya’s Lodwar Diocese has said. 

A poster announcing the 150th anniversary of the Congregation of Brothers of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Kenya. Credit: Lodwar Diocese

“Let's pray for vocations”: Catholic Bishop in Kenya at Religious Order’s Jubilee

Jul 7, 2023

At Holy Mass to mark the 150th anniversary of the Congregation of Brothers of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Bishop John Mbinda of Kenya’s Catholic Diocese of Lodwar has called for prayers for vocations to Religious Life. 

Bishop John Mbinda of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar in Kenya. Credit: St. Austin Catholic Church Nairobi

Catholic Bishop in Kenya Commends Parents for Persevering through Difficult School Year

Dec 13, 2022

The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar in Kenya has hailed parents in the East African country for struggling to keep their children in school during harsh economic times in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Screenshot of Bishop John Mbinda of Lodwar Diocese in Kenya addressing journalists on the state of insecurity in his Episcopal See. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Bishop in Kenya Calls for Increased Presence of Security Officers in Parts of His Diocese

Aug 1, 2022

The Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Lodwar in Kenya has called upon the government of the East African country to increase the presence of security officers in parts of his Episcopal See that are witnessing insecurity.

Bishop John Mbinda of Lodwar Diocese, first-ever Kenyan Spiritan Bishop vested in Turkana attire. Credit: ACI Africa

First-ever Kenyan Spiritan Bishop Urged to Exercise Patience, “learn ways of the people”

Jun 8, 2022

The newly ordained Bishop of Lodwar Diocese in Kenya, the first-ever Kenyan member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans) to be consecrated Bishop, has been urged to exercise patience in his Episcopal Ministry, striving to “learn the ways of the people” of God in his Diocese.

Bishop John Mbinda, ordained Bishop of Kenya's Lodwar Diocese on 4 June 2022. Credit: ACI Africa

"Never fall into the temptation of routine": Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya to New Bishop

Jun 5, 2022

The representative of the Holy Father in Kenya has cautioned the newly ordained Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar against the temptation of “routine” characterized with "blindly following” the beaten path of traditions.