
Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto

At Ordination, Catholic Bishop in Angola Emphasizes Service, Faults Secular Mentality of Diaconate as “promotion”

Feb 23, 2025

The ministry of Diaconate is not a promotion but God’s call to service with humility and dedication, Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has told the five Seminarians he ordained Deacons on February 22.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of the Catholic Diocese of Caxito in Angola. Credit: ACI Africa

There’s No Justification for Angolans’ “cycle of poverty, misery”: Catholic Bishop Cautions Politicians against Egoism

Jan 30, 2025

Angola, the Southern African nation that is endowed with natural resources, should not be having any of its citizens reeling in poverty and misery as, unfortunately, it is the case, the Catholic Bishop of the country’s Caxito Diocese has told ACI Africa.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of the Catholic Diocese of Caxito in Angola. Credit: ACI Africa

Catholic Communicators “must” Align with the Truth, Bishop in Angola Says, Advocates for Constructive Journalism

Jan 29, 2025

Catholic communicators and media practitioners have the duty to seek the Truth in their effort to gather and distribute information, the Local Ordinary of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has said.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of the Catholic Diocese of Caxito in Angola. Credit: ACI Africa

Upsurge of “sects” Key Pastoral Concern in Angolan Diocese, Bishop Says, Emphasizes Need for Childhood Catechesis

Jan 28, 2025

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of the Catholic Diocese of Caxito in Angola has identified the upsurge of “sects” in his Episcopal See as a major pastoral challenge that must be addressed to safeguard the people of God under his pastoral care from being led astray. 

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola's Catholic Diocese of Caxito. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Angola Lagging Behind amid “fascination with titles, obsession with flattery”, Catholic Bishop Says, Urges Authenticity

Nov 12, 2024

Angola is lagging behind in progress on various fronts due to her people’s “obsession” with self-glory, including titles and academic certificates, Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of the country’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has noted with concern. 

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito. Credit: Caxito Diocese

“We must return to good values”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Catechists, Teachers

Nov 7, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has called on teachers and Catechists to be role models in shaping the new generation and restoring society’s core values.

Bishop António Francisco Jaca of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Benguela. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop in Angola Cautions against "love with expectations", Advocates for Love "with no strings attached"

Nov 4, 2024

Bishop António Francisco Jaca of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Benguela has cautioned against the tendency to love on condition that certain expectations are met.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

“Live your faith with dignity”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Christians

Oct 16, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has urged Christians to live their faith with dignity, avoiding actions that go against Church principles, even in difficult times.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito. Credit: Radio Ecclesia Angola

“Leadership positions should not be an opportunity for enrichment”: Catholic Bishop Decries Corruption in Angola

Aug 10, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has decried “rampant” corruption in the Southern African nation and called on those in positions of leadership to work for the common good.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito. Credit: Radio Ecclesia Angola

Laws Criminalizing Vandalism, Sexual Abuse of Minors “disproportionate”: Catholic Bishop in Angola

Jul 23, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has faulted legal provisions to criminalize vandalism of public property and sexual abuse of minors, which legislators in the Southern African nation have adopted.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Angola’s Political, Civil Leaders “must set an example of service”: Catholic Bishop Emphasizes Patriotism

May 8, 2024

Angola’s political leaders and civil servants need to take their responsibilities before the people seriously, prioritizing dutiful service, Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of the country’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has said. 

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Persecution Should Not “dampen our missionary zeal”: Catholic Bishop in Angola

May 5, 2024

Christians have to keep alive the zeal to share the Gospel, Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of the Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has said.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

We’ve Leaders Who “don't feel” Citizens’ Plight: Catholic Bishop in Angola Laments Political Leaders’ Indifference

Apr 26, 2024

The Southern African nation of Angola has leaders, who are not keen on providing services to the citizens, Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of the country’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has noted with concern.  

“Society must feel your presence”: Bishop Urges Latest Catholic University of Angola Graduates to Be Productive

Apr 19, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola’s Caxito Diocese has urged the latest graduates from the Catholic University of Angola (UCAN) to commit themselves for good of the Angolan society, always striving to be productive.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop in Angola urges Christians to Embrace “path of reconciliation, love, peace”

Apr 11, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has encouraged Christians in the Southern Africa nation to seek the path of  reconciliation, love, and peace in order to curb the country’s conflicts.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola's Catholic Diocese of Caxito. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Civil Servants’ Three-day Strike in Angola Occasioned by “lack of listening, dialogue”: Catholic Bishop

Mar 26, 2024

The inability of authorities in Angola to realize how to listen to and dialogue with civil servants is behind the March 20-22 strike, Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of the country’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has said.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto hands Parish documents to Fr. Francisco Lumwangano. Credit: Rádio Ecclésia Caxito

Newly Installed Parish Priest in Angola Urged to Seek “everyone's cooperation”

Feb 20, 2024

The new Parish Priest of St. John the Baptist Cacuaco Parish Parish of Angola’s Caxito Diocese has been encouraged to seek the collaboration of “everyone” as he takes leadership of the Angolan Catholic Parish.

The final profession of five members of the Congregation of the Benedictine Missionary Sisters of Tutzing (OSB) in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia Caxito

Catholic Bishop in Angola Cautions against Disrespect, Gossip about Consecrated Persons

Feb 14, 2024

Members of the Clergy and Consecrated persons deserve some respect from the faithful, Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has said.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Appoint “honest administrators”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Government

Feb 1, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has urged the government of the Southern African nation to take into account the honesty of those to be appointed to oversee State institutions.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

“Show children love”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Parents amid Surge in Juvenile Crimes

Jan 27, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has urged parents to show love to their children in order to reduce the high rate of juvenile delinquency in the country.