
Cardinal Jean-Pierre Kutwa

Credit: Archdiocese of Abidjan

At Installation, Catholic Archbishop in Ivory Coast Pledges to Foster Synodality, “conversations” in Communion

Aug 8, 2024

The newly installed Local Ordinary of Ivory Coast’s Catholic Archdiocese of Abidjan, Archbishop Ignace Bessi Dogbo, has pledged to foster the theme of the multi-year Synod on Synodality: communion, participation, and mission.

Immediate Former President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ivory Coast Appointed Archbishop of Abidjan

May 20, 2024

Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Ignace Bessi Dogbo, the immediate former President of the Episcopal Conference of Ivory Coast (CECCI), as the Local Ordinary of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abidjan in the West African nation.