
Catholic Church in Angola

Archbishop Giovanni Gaspari during the farewell Mass that was held at the Our Lady of Remedies Cathedral of Luanda Archdiocese on Wednesday, 17 April 2024. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Service in Angola, São Tomé “source of spiritual enrichment”: Outgoing Apostolic Nuncio

Apr 18, 2024

Archbishop Giovanni Gaspari, who is leaving Angola and São Tomé & Príncipe after close to four years of diplomatic service, has described his service in both nations as a “great gift”, and a source of his spiritual enrichment.

Archbishop José Manuel Imbamba of the Catholic Archdiocese of Saurimo in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Archbishop Urges Angola’s Politicians to “work together to promote education for peace”

Apr 17, 2024

Archbishop José Manuel Imbamba of the Catholic Archdiocese of Saurimo in Angola has called upon politicians in the Southern African nation to put aside their differences and collaborate in fostering education for peace in the country. 

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop in Angola urges Christians to Embrace “path of reconciliation, love, peace”

Apr 11, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has encouraged Christians in the Southern Africa nation to seek the path of  reconciliation, love, and peace in order to curb the country’s conflicts.

rchbishop José Manuel Imbamba of the Catholic Archdiocese of Saurimo. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Angola Still Struggling to Heal after 2002 Civil War: Catholic Archbishop

Apr 4, 2024

There is still a lot of work to be done for Angola to achieve true reconciliation, Archbishop José Manuel Imbamba of the Catholic Archdiocese of Saurimo has said, noting that the southern African country is yet to heal over 20 years after the country’s civil war.

Bishop Firmino David of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Sumbe. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Celebrating Easter Marked by Realizing “new bridges in the relationship between people”: Catholic Bishop in Angola

Apr 2, 2024

Bishop Firmino David of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Sumbe has highlighted the symbol of light as important during the Easter Season, and said that celebrating the risen Lord is about the fostering of good relationships. 

Archbishop José Manuel Imbamba of the Catholic Archdiocese of Saurimo in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Easter Season Opportunity to “break down barriers of sin, structures of evil”: Catholic Archbishop in Angola

Apr 1, 2024

The period of Easter provides Christians an opportunity to deal with structures that contribute to sin and evil, Archbishop José Manuel Imbamba of the Catholic Archdiocese of Saurimo in Angola has said.     

Mons. Vicente Sanombo, appointed Local Ordinary of the Angola's Kwito-Bié Diocese on 28 March 2024. Credit: Vatican Media

Vicar General of Huambo Archdiocese in Angola Appointed Catholic Bishop for Country’s Kwito-Bié Diocese

Mar 30, 2024

Pope Francis has appointed Mons. Vicente Sanombo the Local Ordinary of the Southern African nation’s Kwito-Bié Diocese.

Archbishop Giovanni Gaspari with Pope Francis in Rome. Credit: Vatican Media

Outgoing Apostolic Nuncio Lauds “wonderful partnership” between Angola, São Tomé & Príncipe and Vatican

Mar 30, 2024

Archbishop Giovanni Gaspari, who has been representing the Holy Father in Angola and São Tomé & Príncipe for close to four years has described as “wonderful” the collaboration between the Holy See and the two African nations.

Archbishop Filomeno do Nascimento Vieira Dias of Angola’s Luanda Archdiocese at the Luanda Central Prison (CCL). Credit: Luanda Archdiocese

Catholic Archbishop in Angola Laments Poor “conditions for inmates”, Cautions against “institutional revenge”

Mar 28, 2024

Archbishop Filomeno do Nascimento Vieira Dias of Angola’s Luanda Archdiocese has urged authorities in the Southern African nation to ensure the welfare of inmates by improving their working and living conditions.

Archbishop Filomeno do Nascimento Vieira Dias of Angola’s Luanda Archdiocese. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Archbishop in Angola Cautions against Exclusion of God in Daily Activities

Mar 26, 2024

Archbishop Filomeno do Nascimento Vieira Dias of Angola’s Luanda Archdiocese has cautioned Christians against excluding God in their daily activities.

Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti of Cabinda Archdiocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop of Cabinda in Angola Advocates for Common Local Language for Liturgy in His Diocese

Mar 26, 2024

There is need to adopt a common local language for use during liturgical celebrations in the Catholic Diocese of Cabinda, the Local Ordinary of the Angolan Episcopal See has said. 

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Angola's Catholic Diocese of Caxito. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Civil Servants’ Three-day Strike in Angola Occasioned by “lack of listening, dialogue”: Catholic Bishop

Mar 26, 2024

The inability of authorities in Angola to realize how to listen to and dialogue with civil servants is behind the March 20-22 strike, Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of the country’s Catholic Diocese of Caxito has said.

Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Cabinda. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Mission, “not a favour”: Catholic Bishop in Angola Urges Parents, Godparents to Educate Children in Christian Faith

Mar 18, 2024

Parents and Godparents have to take up education of children in Christian faith as their calling and mission, and not as a favour, Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti of Angola’s Catholic Diocese of Cabinda has said.

Archbishop Zeferino Zeca Martins of Angola’s Huambo Archdiocese. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Angolan Catholic Archbishop Urges Creation of “spaces” for Women in All Professions

Mar 13, 2024

Except for jobs that require physical exertion, women can thrive in professions where men currently dominate, the Archbishop of Angola’s Huambo Archdiocese has said, calling for the creation of spaces and opportunities for women to emerge in Church and society.

Alexandre Cardinal do Nascimento, the Archbishop emeritus of Luanda Archdiocese during the thanksgiving Mass marking his 99th birth anniversary. Credit: Luanda Archdiocese

First Cardinal in Angola Lauded for “wisdom, richness of life”

Mar 6, 2024

Alexandre Cardinal do Nascimento, the Archbishop emeritus of Luanda Archdiocese has, on his 99th birth anniversary, been lauded for exercising much wisdom and richness of life in his ministry.

Archbishop Giovanni Gaspari during pastoral activities in Angola. Credit: Vatican Media

“I will never forget your witness of faith”: Outgoing Apostolic Nuncio in Angola, São Tomé

Mar 5, 2024

Archbishop Giovanni Gaspari , who is leaving Angola and São Tomé & Príncipe after close to four years of diplomatic service, has said the witness of faith of the people of God in the two countries will remain in his heart.

Archbishop Giovanni Gaspari. Credit: ACI Africa

Apostolic Nuncio in Angola to Represent the Holy Father in Korea in New Appointment

Mar 2, 2024

Pope Francis has transferred Archbishop Giovanni Gaspari who has been serving as Apostolic Nuncio in Angola and São Tomé & Príncipe to the Vatican Diplomatic Mission in Korea and Mongolia.

Bishop Firmino David of the Catholic Diocese of Sumbe in Angola. Credit: ACI Africa

Vastness, Sects, Multiple Languages among Challenges of Angola’s Sumbe Catholic Diocese

Mar 2, 2024

Bishop Firmino David of the Catholic Diocese of Sumbe in Angola has identified the vastness of his Episcopal See, the mushrooming of Christian sects in his jurisdiction, and multiple languages among the people of God under his pastoral care as some of the challenges he grapples with. 

“Claretian presence is growing everyday in Africa”: Superior on Fruits of Annual Assembly

Feb 29, 2024

The President of the Conference of African Claretians (ACLA) has said the presence of members of the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (CMF), also known as Claretians, in Africa is growing daily.

Archbishop José Manuel Imbamba of the Catholic Archdiocese of Saurimo in Angola. Credit: Vatican Media

Catholic Archbishop Decries “inhuman” Trends in Angolan Society, Urges Compassion

Feb 27, 2024

Archbishop José Manuel Imbamba of the Catholic Archdiocese of Saurimo in Angola has bemoaned the fostering of “inhuman” tendencies in the Southern African nation.