
Catholic Church in Angola

Members of Caritas Angola. Credit: Radio Maria Angola

National Solidarity Week in Angola: Caritas Reaching Out to “people in need”

Feb 27, 2024

Caritas Angola, the development and humanitarian arm of the Bishops' Conference of Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe (CEAST), has launched the 2024 National Solidarity Week with calls on the people of God in the Southern African nation to support the needy in their midst. 

Late Bishop Jesús Tirso Blanco. Credit: Lwena Diocese

Late Bishop of Lwena Diocese in Angola Ministered “with great generosity”: Successor

Feb 26, 2024

Bishop Jesús Tirso Blanco, who died on 22 February 2022 at the age of 64 has been remembered for serving the people of God under his care in Angola’s Lwena Diocese “with great generosity” despite many challenges.

Archbishop Filomeno do Nascimento Vieira Dias delivering his homily during the the thanksgiving Mass to mark the 25 years of existence of the Catholic University of Angola (UCAN). Credit: ACI Africa

Angolan Catholic University Lauded for Commitment to Research, Training “new generations"

Feb 22, 2024

The Catholic University of Angola (UCAN) has been lauded for positioning itself among the most prestigious institutions in the Southern Africa country by contributing to quality research and training.

Archbishop Luzizila Kiala during the closing Mass of the First National Meeting of Liturgy Coordinators in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Respect “liturgical norms”: Catholic Archbishop to Liturgy Coordinators in Angola

Feb 21, 2024

Archbishop Luzizila Kiala of the Catholic Archdiocese of Malanje in Angola has called upon liturgy coordinators in the Southern African nation to adhere to the established norms in their apostolate during liturgical celebrations. 

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto hands Parish documents to Fr. Francisco Lumwangano. Credit: Rádio Ecclésia Caxito

Newly Installed Parish Priest in Angola Urged to Seek “everyone's cooperation”

Feb 20, 2024

The new Parish Priest of St. John the Baptist Cacuaco Parish Parish of Angola’s Caxito Diocese has been encouraged to seek the collaboration of “everyone” as he takes leadership of the Angolan Catholic Parish.

Fr. Celestino Epalanga, executive secretary of the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) in Angola and São Tomé. Credit: Vatican Media

Angola “moving towards an authoritarian state”, Catholic Official Says, Decries Repression

Feb 18, 2024

The democratic space in the Southern African nation of Angola is “gradually” shrinking, the Executive Secretary of the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Angola and São Tomé (CEAST) has said.

Credit: GrAl via Shutterstock

Lent Goes Beyond “simple preparation for Easter”: Catholic Archbishop in Angola

Feb 16, 2024

There is much “more” to the Lenten Season than the “simple preparation” for the celebration of Easter, Archbishop Luzizila Kiala of the Catholic Archdiocese of Malanje in Angola has said.

The final profession of five members of the Congregation of the Benedictine Missionary Sisters of Tutzing (OSB) in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia Caxito

Catholic Bishop in Angola Cautions against Disrespect, Gossip about Consecrated Persons

Feb 14, 2024

Members of the Clergy and Consecrated persons deserve some respect from the faithful, Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has said.

Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi with Fr. Zeferino Bunta Kanima Muliepo during his ordination on 11 February 2024. Credit: Archdiocese of Lubango

Newly Ordained Priest in Angola Urged to Strive for Greatest Grace, “never to give up”

Feb 14, 2024

The greatest grace from God is that of not giving in to despair and abandoning a pursuit, Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi of Angola’s Lubango Archdiocese has said.

Archbishop Luzizila Kiala of Malanje Archdiocese in Angola. Credit: Malanje Archdiocese

Let’s Foster “culture of care, common good”: Catholic Archbishop in Angola to Youths

Feb 13, 2024

Archbishop Luzizila Kiala of Malanje Archdiocese in Angola has called upon young people in his Metropolitan See to strive to work towards the good of all people, fostering altruism that prioritizes the needs of others before their own.

Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi with Fr. Bernardo Inácio de Lourdes Salvador. Credit: Archdiocese of Lubango

Exercise “respect, zeal” in Priestly Ministry: Catholic Archbishop in Angola to New Priest

Feb 12, 2024

Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi of Angola’s Lubango Archdiocese has emphasized the importance of enthusiasm and mutual respect in the ministry of the Clergy. 

Bishop Martín Lasarte Topolansky of Angola’s Lwena Diocese during the Diaconate Ordination of Seminarian Rosário Kahalo Linha. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

“Strictly observe celibacy”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to New Deacon at Ordination

Feb 5, 2024

Bishop Martín Lasarte Topolansky of Angola’s Lwena Diocese has called upon the new Deacon he ordained on February 3 to remain faithful to his vow of celibacy.

Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti of Cabinda Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop Decries Illegal Immigration, Says “a threat to Angola’s sovereignty”

Feb 5, 2024

Illegal immigration in the Southern African nation of Angola has the potentiality of disrupting the ability of the country to govern itself, Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti of Cabinda Diocese has said.

Bishop Joaquim Nhanganga Tyombe of the Catholic Diocese of Uije in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Managers, Executives in Angola Urged to “be salt to humanity, light to world”

Feb 2, 2024

Bishop Joaquim Nhanganga Tyombe of the Catholic Diocese of Uije in Angola has urged members of the  Christian Association of Managers and Executives (ACGD) to have a positive impact on the people they serve, and be a source of inspiration to members of society.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Appoint “honest administrators”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Government

Feb 1, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has urged the government of the Southern African nation to take into account the honesty of those to be appointed to oversee State institutions.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

“Show children love”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Parents amid Surge in Juvenile Crimes

Jan 27, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has urged parents to show love to their children in order to reduce the high rate of juvenile delinquency in the country.

Bishop Martín Lasarte Topolansky of Angola’s Lwena Diocese. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop in Angola Cautions against Corruption “game”, Urges Honest Living

Jan 24, 2024

Bishop Martín Lasarte Topolansky of Angola’s Lwena Diocese has cautioned against the “game” of corruption. 

Members of the Daughters of St. Mary of Guadalupe (FSMG) in Angola during their 40th anniversary celebration. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

At 40th Anniversary, Catholic Nuns in Angola Urged to “prepare foundations for future”

Jan 24, 2024

Members of the Daughters of St. Mary of Guadalupe (FSMG) in Angola have been urged to look into the future with vision and strategy as they mark four decades of service in the Southern African nation. 

Bishop António Lungieki Pedro Bengui. Credit: ACI Africa

Catholic Bishop in Angola Calls for Promotion of “values of unity, communion, fraternity”

Jan 23, 2024

Bishop António Lungieki Pedro Bengui has called on followers of Christ in Angola to be part of the promoters of values that are consistent with their faith, including the value of working together and being considerate to each other.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

“Insensitive”: Bishop in Angola to Politicians Purchasing Luxury Cars amid Growing Poverty

Jan 19, 2024

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has called out parliamentarians in the country for purchasing and flashing luxury cars, saying the legislators are “insensitive” to the needs of the poor.