Bishop Almachius Vincent Rweyongeza of Tanzania’s Catholic Diocese of Kayanga has cautioned young people against rushed courtships that originate from virtual encounters, and warned that marriages from such situations do not stand the test of time.
Bishop Flavian Matindi Kassala of Tanzania’s Catholic Diocese of Geita has cautioned against learning institutions that foster immorality, including introducing learners to homosexual tendencies and pampering them.
Pope Francis has appointed Mons. Josaphat Jackson Bududu as Auxiliary Bishop of Tanzania’s Catholic Archdiocese of Tabora, where Protase Cardinal Rugambwa is the Local Ordinary.
Pope Francis has accepted the retirement of Bishop Tarcisius Ngalalekumtwa from the pastoral care of the Catholic Diocese of Iringa in Tanzania and appointed Mons. Romanus Elamu Mihali, Clergy of the country's Mafinga Diocese, as his successor.
The Local Ordinary of Tanzania’s Catholic Diocese of Iringa has described the 2025 Jubilee Year of the Church as a year of great joy and abundant appreciation to God.
Bishop Beatus Christian Urassa of Tanzania’s Catholic Diocese of Sumbuwanga has encouraged members of the Order of the Apostolic Life Community of Priests /Opus Spiritus Sancti (ALCP/OSS) to look at their 50th Anniversary as an opportunity to reflect on whether they have lived in holiness and remained faithful to their gifts and vows as Priests.
Bishop Lazarus Vitalis Msimbe of Tanzania’s Catholic Diocese of Morogoro has challenged candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation to strive for what he termed “true” heroism.
The Catholic Diocese of Mbulu has launched the yearlong Silver Jubilee celebrations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus movement in the Tanzanian Episcopal See.
Archbishop Jude Thaddaeus Ruwa’ichi of Tanzania’s Catholic Archdiocese of Dar-es-Salaam has called for integrity in the voting process, urging that only eligible citizens be allowed to vote and that each vote cast be a “legitimate vote.”
Bishop Stephano Lameck Musomba of Tanzania has called for spiritual solidarity with victims of violent conflicts in various parts of the globe.
Bishop Augustine Ndeliakyama Shao of the Catholic Diocese of Zanzibar has recognized the contribution of St. Joseph Allamano to the mission of the Church and urged the people of God to emulate the Italian-born founder of the Institute of the Consolata Missionaries (IMC) and the Consolata Missionary Sisters (MC) in supporting Missionaries.
Uhuru National Stadium in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s major city and commercial port on the country’s Indian Ocean coast, was fully packed during the concluding Mass of the fifth Eucharistic Congress in the East African nation, which took place from September 12-15.
The National Eucharistic Congress in Tanzania, the fifth in the East African nation, has started off with a call on participants to realize their call to be witnesses of the person of Jesus Christ, relying on the grace of God through the Holy Spirit.
The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Mpanda in Tanzania has described priesthood as a demanding vocation, and called on the faithful to fervently pray for their priests to remain faithful and committed to their calling especially in the face of challenges.
With a declining birthrate as abortions rise, the East African nation of Tanzania is facing a crisis, Human Life International (HLI), the world’s largest pro-life global Catholic ministry has said.
Members of the Clergy need to be conscious of the fact that some of the people of God, who present themselves as friends are not genuine, Archbishop Isaac Amani Massawe of the Catholic Archdiocese of Arusha in Tanzania has said.
Bishop Liberatus Sangu of Tanzania’s Catholic Diocese of Shinyanga has called upon the people of God to foster the virtue of love.
Protase Cardinal Rugambwa is imploring the grace of God to have his faith strengthened alongside that of the people of God in the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Tabora, which he shepherds.
Young people in Tanzania’s Metropolitan See of Tabora have been called upon to put their Christian faith in practice in their strive for holiness.
Pope Francis has appointed Mons. Julien Kaboré, a native of Burkina Faso, as the new Apostolic Nuncio in Ghana, assigning him the Titular See of Milevi in Italy with the dignity of Archbishop.