
Catholic News in Africa

Catholic Bishops on what the Church in Africa is Expecting from Synod on Synodality

Jan 28, 2024

The Church in Africa hopes to see a synodal process that does not allow the Universal Church to “modify divine laws and precepts in order to create room for all”, members of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) have said ahead of the second session of the Synod on Synodality scheduled to take place in October this year.

Representatives of the  Symposium of Episcopal Conference of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) and the Council of European Bishops' Conferences (CCEE). Credit: ACI Africa

Catholic Bishops from Europe, Africa Pledge to Foster “culture of fraternity"

Jan 26, 2024

Catholic Bishops from Europe who met their peers in Africa at a seminar in Nairobi, Kenya have concluded their meeting with a pledge to foster collaboration in tackling Church issues that affect the two continents.

Nigeria's President-elect, Bola Tinubu. Credit: Presidency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Christian Leaders in Nigeria Laud President for “positive steps” to Unite Country

Jan 25, 2024

Members of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) have commended President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for “making very positive steps” towards inclusiveness in the West African country since his inauguration in May last year.

Fr. Bonaventure Luchidio, the National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). Credit: Fr. Bonaventure Luchidio

Make Sacred Scripture “frame of family values”: PMS Official in Kenya

Jan 24, 2024

Families that take the Word of God and the Sacred Scripture seriously, relying on them in the day-to-day encounters, can surmount the challenges that the contemporary world poses, the National Director of Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Kenya has said.

Members of the Episcopal Conference of Benin (CEB). Credit: Presidency of Benin

Bishops in Benin Appeal for “concrete actions, behaviors” to Foster Christian Unity

Jan 23, 2024

Catholic Bishops in Benin have appealed to the people of God in the West African nation to settle for lifestyles that contribute to the fostering of Christian unity in the country. 

Bishop Vincent Frederick Mwakhwawa, Auxiliary Bishop of Lilongwe Archdiocese in Malawi. Credit: Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM)

Serve, Follow “path of the Beatitudes”: Apostolic Nuncio to New Catholic Bishop in Malawi

Jan 22, 2024

The representative of the Holy Father in Malawi has called upon the newly Consecrated Bishop in the Southern African nation to ground his Episcopal Ministry in the Beatitudes, being close to “those who suffer” in his life of service.

Members of the Episcopal Conference of Benin (CEB). Credit: CEB

Five Issues of Concern Catholic Bishops in Benin Want Addressed for Peace “preservation”

Jan 22, 2024

Catholic Bishops in Benin have, at the end of their ordinary assembly, highlighted five challenges the people of God in the West African country are facing, which they want addressed for lasting peace. 

Members of the Owerri Ecclesiastical Province (OWEP) in Nigeria. Credit: Archdiocese of Owerri/Facebook

High Levels of Brain Drain in Nigeria “worrisome”: Catholic Bishops in Owerri Province

Jan 22, 2024

Catholic Bishops in Nigeria's Ecclesiastical Province of Owerri have decried what they describe as high levels of brain drain in the West African nation describing it as a “worrisome” trend that denies the nation the much-needed human resource for development.

Logo of the of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) and the Council of Episcopal Conferences of Europe (CCEE)/ Credit: SECAM/CCEE

Planned Africa, Europe Catholic Bishops’ Seminar to Place “special focus” on Youths

Jan 21, 2024

The planned joint seminar bringing together representatives of Catholic Bishops in Africa and in Europe is to place particular focus on young people in the two continents, the Secretary General (SG) of the the Symposium of Episcopal Conference of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) has said.

Michael Cardinal Czerny during the 20 January 2024 round table in Benin. Credit: Archdiocese of Cotonou

Vatican Cardinal Advocates for Church-State “synergy” for Green Church Program in Benin

Jan 21, 2024

The Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (DPIHD) has advocated for a Church-State “synergy” in the realization of the “Green Church Program”, an initiative of Benin’s Cotonou Archdiocese that “aims to bring about an ecological conversion among the faithful of the Catholic Church.”

Michael Cardinal Czerny during the 19 January 2024 meeting with pastoral agents in Benin. Credit: Archdiocese of Cotonou

“Breathe fresh air into the whole Church”: Vatican Cardinal to Benins’ Pastoral Agents

Jan 20, 2024

Michael Cardinal Czerny, who has been in Benin for a four-day pastoral trip, has used the image of “a lung” to remind the Pastoral Agents in the West African nation about their ability to “breathe” freshness into Universal Catholicism.

Members of the National Episcopal Conference of Congo (CENCO) with President Félix Tshisekedi. Credit: Presidency of the Republic of DRC

“Our country is in danger, build a new Congo”: Catholic Bishops to Newly Elected Leaders

Jan 20, 2024

Members of the National Episcopal Conference of Congo (CENCO) have called on new leaders elected following the 20 December 2023 general elections to “build a new Congo”, noting that the country is already riddled with many challenges.

Credit: Vatican news

Catholic Church in Cape Verde Beating Obstacles to Translate the New Testament into Creole

Jan 20, 2024

The project to translate the New Testament into Creole, a language widely used in Cape Verde, is facing various obstacles, including a lack of consensus among those involved in the exercise, one of the officials tasked with the translation in the island West African country has said.

Logo Kenya Christian Professionals Forum (KCPF). Credit: KCPF

Kenya’s Christian Professionals Urge Leaders to Pay Attention to Vulnerable in Society

Jan 20, 2024

Officials of the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum (KCPF) are calling on those in leadership positions in the country to pay attention to the needs of the underprivileged members of society. 

Michael Cardinal Czerny during Holy Mass at St. Michael Parish of Benin’s Cotonou Archdiocese on 19 January 2024. Credit: Archdiocese of Cotonou

“Implement everything that promotes life”: Vatican Cardinal at Mass in Benin

Jan 20, 2024

There is need for followers of Christ to do everything in their power to foster life, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (DPIHD), who has been in Benin for a four-day pastoral trip has said. 

The CD GPF Nigeria Rev.John Joseph Hayab presenting a Book Titled "Korean Dream" to the Facilitator Mr.Austin Anyio. Credit: Global Peace Foundation Nigeria

Dozens of Women in Nigeria Complete Training to Foster Religious Tolerance

Jan 18, 2024

A group of at least 100 Christian and Muslim women drawn from Nigeria’s Plateau State have completed a financial literacy training that the Global Peace Foundation Nigeria (GPFN) organized to foster religious tolerance in the region.

Credit: Archdiocese of Owerri

Nigeria Bishops Call for Prudent Division of Land amid Rapid Urbanization

Jan 18, 2024

Bishops of Nigeria’s Owerri Ecclesiastical Province have called for wisdom in the way land is sold and shared in the country, expressing concern that urbanization and the quest for development are increasing pressure on land inheritance in the West African country. 

The 26 February 2023 desecration at Mary Queen of Peace Cathedral of Tanzania’s Geita Diocese. Credit: Geita Diocese

Desecrator of Catholic Cathedral in Tanzania Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

Jan 17, 2024

A Court in Tanzania has sentenced Elpidius Edward to three years in prison for the 26 February 2023 desecration of Mary Queen of Peace Cathedral of Tanzania’s Geita Diocese. 

Michael Cardinal Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (DPIHD). Credit: Caritas Africa

Vatican Cardinal to Visit Catholic Hospital, Meet Bishops in 4-day Pastoral Trip to Benin

Jan 15, 2024

The Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (DPIHD) is scheduled to be in the West African nation of Benin for a four-day visit that is to start on Wednesday, January 17.

The headquarters of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) in DRC. Credit: CENI

Church Leaders in DR Congo “strongly condemn” Violence Following General Elections

Jan 5, 2024

Members of the National Episcopal Conference of Congo (CENCO) and the Church of Christ in Congo (ECC) have “strongly condemned” cases of violence recorded in the country following the 20 December 2023 general elections.