
Catholic News in Africa

Archbishop Hubertus van Megen during the January 5 Requiem Mass for the late Pope Benedict XVI. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Benedict XVI Worked to “reveal” God’s Magnificence, Truth’s Beauty, Life: Nuncio in Kenya

Jan 5, 2023

The representative of the Holy Father in Kenya has eulogized Pope emeritus Benedict XVI who passed on in Rome on New Year eve as one who set out to reveal the beauty of God, truth, and “the deep sense of life”. 

Credit: Archdiocese of Ouagadougou

Late Pontiff “impacted Church through spiritual commitment”: Nuncio in Burkina Faso

Jan 5, 2023

The late Pope emeritus Benedict XVI who was laid to rest Thursday, January 5 in Rome, impacted the Catholic Church through his “intellectual, spiritual and pastoral commitment”, the Apostolic Nuncio in Burkina Faso has said.

Archbishop Stephen Ameyu Martin during Tuesday, January 3 Requiem Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Credit: ACI Africa

South Sudanese Catholic Archbishop Eulogizes Former Pope as “defender of doctrine, truth”

Jan 5, 2023

The Catholic Archbishop of Juba in South Sudan has eulogized Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI who passed on in Rome on New Year 2023 eve as a defender of Catholic Church doctrine and the truth.

Pope Benedict XVI during his arrival in the Lisbon airport on May 11, 2010 | M.Mazur/

Archbishop in Sierra Leone Remembers “good grandpa” in Tribute to Pope Benedict XVI

Jan 5, 2023

The Archbishop of Freetown in Sierra Leone has paid tribute to Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, describing him as a loving grandfather of the Church who left a treasure for upcoming theologians.

Fr. Jacques Yaro Zerbo, a Malian-born Catholic Priest murdered in Burkina Faso’s Dédougou Diocese on 2 January 2023. Credit: Dédougou Diocese/Facebook

Malian-born Catholic Priest Murdered in Burkina Faso, Bishop Confirms with “deep sorrow”

Jan 4, 2023

Fr. Jacques Yaro Zerbo, a Malian-born Catholic Priest who has been serving in Burkina Faso’s Dédougou Diocese, has been murdered, the Local Ordinary of the Burkinabe Diocese has confirmed in a statement.

Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Nigeria's Abuja Archdiocese. Credit: Abuja Archdiocese

Don’t Be Led by “your stomach” in Supporting Politicians, Archbishop Cautions Nigerians

Jan 4, 2023

The Catholic Archbishop of Abuja in Nigeria has urged the people of God in the West African nation to remember their civic duties ahead of the country’s elections and to seek to be guided by the Holy Spirit in selecting politicians and political parties to support.

Credit: JCTR

Jesuit Scholars in Zambia Call for Legal, Economic Reforms, “concrete roadmap” in New Year

Jan 4, 2023

Members of the Jesuit Center for Theological Reflection (JCTR) are calling for economic, agricultural, and legal reforms in Zambia in 2023. 

Bishop Hyacinth Egbebo of Nigeria's Bomadi Diocese. Credit: Nigeria Catholic Network

Bishop Prays for Savior to Free Nigeria from "dungeon of slavery" in New Year Message

Jan 4, 2023

The Catholic Bishop of Bomadi Diocese in Nigeria has expressed optimism that God will do “beautiful things” for the West African nation, praying that He raises a savior to free the people from the prison of “slavery, underdevelopment, and corruption”. 

Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims in St. Peter's Square during his inaugural Mass April 24, 2005, as the Catholic Church's 265th pope. | Vatican Media

Catholic Bishops in Africa Eulogize Pope Emeritus as Servant with “great self-sacrifice”

Jan 2, 2023

Members of the Symposium of Episcopal Conference of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) have paid glowing tribute to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI who passed on in Rome on December 31, eulogizing him as a Catholic Church leader who served with “great self-sacrifice”.

Bishop Emmanuel Adetoyese Badejo of Nigeria's Oyo Diocese. Credit: Oyo Diocese

New Year 2023 Calls Nigerians “to diligence, change of heart”: Catholic Bishop

Jan 2, 2023

The New Year 2023 calls on Nigerians to exercise “diligence and a change of heart”, a Catholic Bishop in the West African nation has said.

Credit: ACN

Catholic Charity Rallying for Support of Priest’s Mission in Zimbabwe’s Isolated Villages

Dec 30, 2022

Chitsungo Mission of the Catholic Diocese of Chinhoyi in Zimbabwe is the poorest in the Diocese, the Pontifical and charity foundation, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), has said, adding that Priests are finding it difficult to provide pastoral care to needy populations in far-flung villages served by the Catholic mission.

General Councilor for Missions visits Salesian Oratory in Alexandria: a true place where fraternity is built. Credit: Salesian Missions

Salesians at Oratory in Egypt Fostering Fraternity among Christian, Muslim Youth

Dec 30, 2022

Members of the Religious Institute of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) are fostering fraternity among Christian and Muslim youth at an Oratory in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria in Egypt.

Credit: Caritas Internationalis

Caritas Djibouti Using Trainings in Permaculture Approach to Empower Farmers, Fight Hunger

Dec 30, 2022

The development and humanitarian arm of the Catholic Church in Djibouti, Caritas Djibouti, is empowering farmers and members of “vulnerable communities” in the Horn of Africa country through trainings in permaculture approach, the leadership of the global confederation of Catholic relief agencies, Caritas Internationalis (CI), has reported.

JCTR programs Manager, Muchimba Siamachoka at the October 6 Press Conference. Credit: JCTR

Jesuit Scholars in Zambia Urge “a timely” Budgetary Material Publication after New Ranking

Dec 30, 2022

Following Zambia’s drop in the global ranking on budget accountability, Jesuit scholars in the Southern African nation are calling on the government to provide “a timely” online publication of budgetary materials.

Credit: Caritas Freetown

Catholic Project Volunteer for Sierra Loene’s Ebola Survivors Recounts Ordeal with Scourge

Dec 29, 2022

Sometime in 2014, as Sierra Leone was healing from the devastation of the civil war that had ravished the entire country, another disaster struck, Ebola.

Fr. Lawrence Olumide Ogundipe. Credit:  Nigeria Catholic Network

Nigeria’s Consecrated Urged “to speak out in face of societal moral decadence in politics”

Dec 29, 2022

Consecrated persons in Nigeria have been challenged to exercise their prophetic role amid ongoing political campaigns ahead of February 2023 general elections, speaking out against “moral decadence in politics”.

Bishop Fikremariam Hagos Tsalim of Eritrea's Segheneity Eparchy. Credit: InfoVaticana

Catholic Bishop, Priest Freed After Months of Detention in Eritrea

Dec 28, 2022

A Catholic Bishop and a Priest arrested and detained in Eritrea on October 15 have been set free, a source has told ACI Africa.

Mons. Joseph Kakou Aka greets Pope Francis in Rome. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Former RECOWA Secretary General Appointed Bishop for Yamoussoukro Diocese, Ivory Coast

Dec 28, 2022

Pope Francis has appointed Mons. Joseph Kacou Aka, the immediate former Secretary General of the Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa (RECOWA), as Bishop for Yamoussoukro Diocese in Ivory Coast.

Mons. Anthony Ovayero Ewherido, appointed Bishop of Nigeria's Warri Diocese on 2 December 2022. Credit: Courtesy Photo

Pope Francis Appoints Rector of Catholic Major Seminary Bishop for Warri Diocese, Nigeria

Dec 28, 2022

Pope Francis has appointed Mons. Anthony Ovayero Ewherido who has been serving as Rector of Sts. Peter and Paul Interdiocesan Major Seminary in Ibadan, Nigeria, as Bishop for the Catholic Diocese of Warri in the West African nation. 

Fr. Peter Konteh (seated), poses for a photo session with beneficiaries of Desert Flower Foundation- Sierra Leone on the celebrations of International Day of Zero Tolerance for Genital Mutilation on February 6. Credit: Fr. Peter Konteh

Secret FGM Society Victim Beats Trauma, Joins Catholic Fight for Girls’ Rights in S. Leone

Dec 27, 2022

Wuyatta Musu Genda had just completed her secondary education at the age of sixteen when she gave in to pressure and went for “the cut”.