Members of the National Peace Committee (NPC) in Nigeria who include representatives of the Catholic Bishops in the West African nation have raised concern over violent election campaigns ahead of the country’s February 2023 polls.
The ongoing preparations for the Synod on Synodality is a call to heal “wounds of violence and division” that the people of God in South Sudan have experiences, the Bishop of the country’s Rumbek Diocese has said.
Members of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique (CEM) have cautioned against the sole reliance on the military in addressing the “misfortune” of insecurity in the Southern African nation, and called for joint efforts.
The Catholic Bishop of Dedza Diocese in Malawi is calling on all institutions of learning to provide holistic education, the kind that orients learners in human and Christian formation, fostering the spirit of responsibility.
The Bishop-elect for South Sudan’s Catholic Diocese of Torit has called on the people of God in the East-Central African nation to look beyond the challenges they have experienced in the past as a result of protracted violent conflict and to cheer up.
Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Liberia, Kenya, and Nigeria are the five African countries that Rome-based Harambee Africa International (HAI) has marked for support through funding of various development projects next year.
The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Maroua-Mokolo in Cameroon has decried rising violence in the Central African country, noting that the people, specifically in the country’s northernmost region, are experiencing the “reign of terror”.
Catholic Bishops in Rwanda and Burundi have expressed their “solidarity and spiritual closeness” with the people of God in neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) amid reports of persistent violent conflicts and deaths.
Bishop Jude Ayodeji Arogundade of Nigeria’s Ondo Diocese has pleaded with lawmakers in the United Kingdom (UK) to push their government and other nations to help address the persecution of Christians in the West African nation lest it is overrun by terrorists.
Faith and civil organizations focused on food sovereignty and justice worldwide have castigated Bill Gates for proposing “high-tech solutions” including genetic engineering, new breeding technologies, and digital agriculture to address the hunger crisis in Africa.
The newly appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Mozambique’s Archdiocese of Maputo, Bishop João Carlos Hatoa Nunes, has described his appointment as a surprise and called on the people of God in the Southern African nation to pray for him.
Catholic Bishops of the four-nation Conference in West Africa are concerned about the “high cost of living” in their respective countries.
An Archbishop in Zimbabwe has called on Catholic youth in the Southern African country to make good life choices “for the betterment of the whole Church”.
The Lux Terra Leadership Foundation on Tuesday, November 15, began the first in a series of training workshops for Christian Stakeholders on skills and tools for raising public awareness on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in the West African country.
Violent conflicts and climate change in South Sudan have contributed to the country being “consistently” ranked as one of the “world’s hungriest countries,” the leadership of the overseas development agency of the Catholic Bishops of Ireland, Trócaire, has said.
Plans are underway for a peaceful march against insecurity in the Eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to be undertaken by the country’s Catholic Diocese of Wamba.
The Executive Secretary of the Commission for Education of the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) has called on the government of the East African nation to make Christian Religious Education (CRE) compulsory at all secondary school levels in “church-founded schools” in the country.
Faith-based organizations with presence in Africa have petitioned the President of the United States of America (U.S.) to return Nigeria to the list of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC), a watchlist of nations with the most horrific violations of religious freedom.
Catholic activists in Africa are calling on African governments to stop increasing the costs of energy and gasoline, noting that the increase is having critical effects of the people’s living conditions in what they describe as an already tough economic crisis.
Pope Francis has appointed Bishop João Carlos Hatoa Nunes as Coadjutor Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Maputo in Mozambique.