Pope Francis has appointed Mons. Vicente Sanombo the Local Ordinary of the Southern African nation’s Kwito-Bié Diocese.
“This is the Pasch of Christ, the revelation of God’s power: the victory of life over death, the triumph of light over darkness, the rebirth of hope amid the ruins of failure. It is the Lord, the God of the impossible, who rolled away the stone forever,” the pope said on Saturday.
The Holy Father delivered the homily late in the evening at the vigil in St. Peter's Basilica.
Archbishop Giovanni Gaspari, who has been representing the Holy Father in Angola and São Tomé & Príncipe for close to four years has described as “wonderful” the collaboration between the Holy See and the two African nations.
Bishop Melchisedec Sikuli Paluku of the Catholic Diocese of Butembo-Beni in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has challenged Priests ministering in his Episcopal See to be pastors with the smell of the sheep they shepherd.
At the anticipated Chrism Mass in his Episcopal See, Bishop Lucio Andrice Muandula of Mozambique’s Catholic Diocese of Xai Xai has emphasized the mission of Priests as God’s “envoys” to the afflicted.
The Bishop of Kenya’s Catholic Diocese of Nakuru has highlighted the need to pray for Priests as essential, even as people reach out to Priests to pray for them.
During the Good Friday liturgy, Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa reflected on the triumph of the cross, noting that it is an event that revealed God's humility.
In an apparent last-minute decision, Pope Francis skipped the Way of the Cross ceremony held at Rome's Colosseum on Friday to safeguard his health ahead of Easter liturgies.
For the first time in his 11-year pontificate, Pope Francis has written his own spiritual meditations for Friday’s Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) in Rome.
The Good Friday Reproaches are a series of antiphons, known also as “Popule Meus” (“My people”), coming from the opening lines of the Latin text of the recitation.
The Maltese cardinal stated in a recent interview that a female diaconate would not be a “revolution” but a “natural deepening of the Lord’s will.”
The archbishop of Toledo and primate of Spain, Francisco Cerro Chávez, stressed in a recent letter the need to support the Christians in the Holy Land.
The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kafanchan in Nigeria has called on Priests to strive towards the fostering of “the right image” of ministerial Priesthood, which he says is under criticism.
Bishop John Oballa Owaa of the Catholic Diocese of Ngong in Kenya has cautioned Priests against despair in the face of challenges they experience “within the Church”.
On his second Episcopal anniversary, Bishop Christian Carlassare of the Catholic Diocese of Rumbek in South Sudan has reflected on “The Pact of Catacombs”, a November 1965 document that a section of Catholic Bishops participating in the Second Vatican Council signed to express their personal commitments to the ideals of the Council.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) is concerned that Sudan could evolve into an Islamic State should war in the Northeastern African nation persist.
Pope Francis encouraged the priests to turn their gaze upon the crucified Lord and weep over their sins in repentance, saying tears can “purify and heal the heart.”
Friar Nelson Medina, a Dominican known for his extensive apostolate on the internet, offers five tips for Catholics to do a better job evangelizing on social media.
At the end of Lent, right before Easter, the Catholic Church observes the “sacred triduum.” What is it?