

Archbishop Marcel Utembi Tapa of Kisangani, President of CENCO. / CENCO

“Humanly, left to ourselves, we are incapable of doing a divine work”: DR Congo Prelate

Feb 26, 2020

At the meeting bringing together Bishops at the helm of the Episcopal Conference of the Democratic Republic of Congo (CENCO), closeness to God in prayer was emphasized including the need to be role models in the carrying on the ministry of the apostles of Jesus.

Logo Episcopal Conference of the Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC – (CENCO).

Caritas DR Congo Distances Itself from Claims of “disrupting payment to schools”

Jan 17, 2020

The General Secretariat of the Episcopal Conference of the Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC – (CENCO) has denied claims that a bank institution affiliated to the Catholic Church together with other banks in the central African nation are disrupting the payment of money allocated to schools in the country.

Fridolin Cardinal Ambongo (center) addressing journalists in DRC's capital, Kinshasa, Friday, 3 January 2020.

People in Eastern DRC “crying out for help to those who can hear”: Cardinal after Visit

Jan 7, 2020

After his pastoral visit to the Diocese of Butembo-Beni in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where the country’s military has been fighting against dozens of local and foreign armed groups, the Archbishop of Kinshasa, Fridolin Cardinal Ambongo Besungu has expressed concerns about the desperate situation of the people there “crying out for help” and called on the government to take up its responsibility of protecting citizens.

CENCO’s Secretary General, Fr. Donatien Nshole  addressing journalists at Press Conference in DR Congo's capital Kinshasa, Monday, December 16, 2019

“Free access to primary education irreversible,” DR Congo Bishops Say

Dec 17, 2019

Following challenges in implementing a constitutional provision allowing free access to basic education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the National Episcopal Conference of Congo (CENCO) has made public its position on the matter, indicating that free access to primary education is irreversible and that relevant authorities need to give teachers adequate remuneration to avoid the deterioration of national education.

Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Bishops in DR Congo Decry Renewed Conflict, Killings, want “cycle of violence” Prevented

Nov 28, 2019

Following incidences of renewed violence in the Eastern parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that have resulted in the killing of civilians, Bishops in the central African nation have expressed concern that, if not addressed urgently, their country could plunge “into a cycle of violence” that risks worsening the already deplorable living conditions of the Congolese.