The people of God in the Southern African nation of Zambia are “firsthand” experiencing the negative effects of climate change, the Communications Director at the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) has said.
Pope Francis warned that both foreign debt and ecological debt are “mortgaging the future” of nations.
Catholic environmentalists in Africa have expressed concern over “neutrality” in the struggle against climate change.
“We need to make a transition toward a sustainable development model that reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere,” a new motu proprio reads.
A photographic exhibition titled “Changes” opened this week in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, showcasing the effects of climate change and the creative work of God.
Pope Francis addressed his remarks to participants of the conference “Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge and the Sciences” at the Vatican on March 14.
“Our faith instills in us a sacred duty to cherish not only our human family but also the fragile ecosystem that cradles us,” the document said.
Pope Francis canceled his scheduled trip to Dubai days before the climate summit at the request of his doctors.
The pope was advised by his doctors earlier this week not to travel to Dubai due to a bronchial infection.
The Vatican indicated the Holy Father will still attempt to participate in the conference in some fashion.
Pope Francis said Friday one of the ways to address population decline is to make cities more sustainable, increasing the quality of life for those who live there.
The pope will visit the United Arab Emirates’ most populous city Dec. 1–3 where he will give a speech and meet world leaders.
The Holy See has signed an interfaith declaration on taking action to protect the environment during a religious summit held ahead of COP28.
Pope Francis said in a TV interview he will travel to the United Arab Emirates for the second time from Dec. 1–3.
Dr. Sultan Al Jaber from the UAE met the pope on Wednesday at the Vatican ahead of the COP28 meeting taking place in Dubai Nov. 30 to Dec. 12.
Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on the environment and the threat of climate change was met with praise both by Catholic and environmental leaders.
Pope Francis on Wednesday released a new document on the environment that he has described as the “second part” of his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si', and which warns of “grave consequences” if humanity continues to ignore the threat of climate change.
The Vatican held a hearing Thursday to try three climate activists for criminal damage to a famous statue in the Vatican Museums.
Pope Francis is featured in a documentary film on climate change and the environment that premiered at the Vatican on Tuesday.
Members of the Marshallan Relief and Development Services (MAREDES), a not-for-profit wing of the Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall of the Catholic Church, have facilitated the planting of some 10,600 tree seedlings at Saboba in the Northern Region in Ghana in view of addressing the challenge of climate change.